Changes for version 1.22 - 2016-03-07

  • last two releases have focused primarily on reliability and far more enhanced unit testing, with a couple new features
  • recsep() and platform_recsep() can now be imported into the local namespace (non-OO) (closes #23)
  • cleaned up return structure for recsep types (closes #29)
  • renamed _open() to _binmode_handle()
  • cleanup and tidy of all test files
  • cleanup of numerous unnecessary prereqs in Makefile.PL
  • write() now uses the correct recsep for a file if multiple read()s are concurrently open (fixes #30)
  • catch warning and die if write() is called with the 'contents' param set to a previously closed file handle (closes #31)
  • read() now simply overwrites it's data for a file if it has been read more than once prior to a write() (closes #32)
  • added t/000-critic.t (closes #33)
  • fixed minor issues to satisfy critic tests


Read and write files while keeping the original line-endings intact, no matter the platform.