RPi::HCSR04 - Interface to the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance measurement sensor on the Raspberry Pi


use RPi::HCSR04;

my $trig_pin = 23;
my $echo_pin = 24;

my $sensor = RPi::HCSR04->new($trig_pin, $echo_pin);

my $inches = $sensor->inch;
my $cm     = $sensor->cm;
my $raw    = $sensor->raw;



Easy to use interface to retrieve distance measurements from the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance measurement sensor.

Requires wiringPi to be installed.


The HC-SR04 sensor requires 5V input, and that is returned back to a Pi GPIO pin from the ECHO output on the sensor. The GPIO on the Pi can only handle a maximum of 3.3V in, so either a voltage regulator or a voltage divider must be used to ensure you don't damage the Pi.

Here's a diagram showing how to create a voltage divider with a 1k and a 2k Ohm resistor to lower the ECHO voltage output down to a safe ~3.29V. In this case, TRIG is connected to GPIO 18, and ECHO is connected to GPIO 23.



Instantiates and returns a new L object. Parameters: $trig Mandatory: Integer, the GPIO pin number of the Raspberry Pi that the C pin is connected to. $echo Mandatory: Integer, the GPIO pin number of the Raspberry Pi that the C pin is connected to. inch

Returns a floating point number containing the distance in inches. Takes no parameters. cm

Returns a floating point number containing the distance in centemetres. Takes no parameters. raw

Returns an integer representing the return from the sensor in raw original form. Takes no parameters. C FUNCTIONS

These are to be only used within the module itself. setup

Performs the wiringPi setup routine. raw_c

Called by C. inch_c

Called by C. cm_c


* L must be installed. * At this time, your program will have to be run as root (under C). * You must regulate the voltage from the C pin down to a safe 3.3V from the 5V input. See L for details. AUTHOR

Steve Bertrand, C<< >> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT

Copyright 2017 Steve Bertrand. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See L for more information.