Changes for version 2.36.3 - 2017-01-22
- pod fixes/updates
- added BMP180 section to FAQ
- added untracked files
- we now perform root-level tasks with sudo internally, so that the user doesn't have to run the entire script as such
- removed the ability to use SYS (GPIO_SYS) mode. It was implemented to avoid having to be root
- moved gpio_layout() from core to Util
- RPi::ADC::ADS is now a prereq (v1.01)
- added adc() (closes #12)
- moved pwm_range() to Util, leaving only object creation methods in the core module
- fixed POD in reference to shiftreg (closes #13)
- added ADC section in FAQ
- added docs/, with fritzing drawings and images for basic pwm/ADC setup
- incorporated RPi::SPI as spi() to provide direct access to the Serial Peripheral Interface
FAQ and Tutorial for RPi::WiringPi
Perl interface to Raspberry Pi's board, GPIO, LCDs and other various items
Perl interface to the BMP180 barometric pressure sensor
Raspberry Pi GPIO pin interrupts
Perl interface to Raspberry Pi LCD displays via the GPIO pins
Access and manipulate Raspberry Pi GPIO pins
Utility methods for RPi::WiringPi Raspberry Pi interface