Revision history for Perl extension RPi::WiringPi.

2.36.6  2017-01-26
        - * Notice * some functionality will be removed and/or hidden from the
          next release, due to being incompatible or just plain me desiring to
          rewrite them. Soft PWM is going as it doesn't work properly at this
          level, and I'm seriously considering getting rid of all setup modes
          less GPIO (as its a headache to maintain). I'll beef up the
          translation tables though, so you can do such trickery as:
          $ENV{RPI_PIN_MAP} = 'wpi'; or some such, and we'll translate the pin
          numbers on the fly for you. Feedback welcome.

        - updated FAQ, made section headers, fixed issue in shiftreg overview
        - added breadboard diagram and fritzing project for dual 74HC595 shift
          register connections, and other various schematics
        - prereq version bumps: WiringPi::API v2.36.4, RPi::SPI v 2.36.4
        - renamed error() to _error(), as it is literally an internal method
          that traps $SIG collapses for cleanup, so that pod-coverage.t would
          stop complaining

2.36.5  2017-01-22
        - added dpot(), returns a RPI::DigiPot::MCP4XXXX digital potentiometer

2.36.4  2017-01-22
        - fix params in POD, they weren't displaying correctly

2.36.3  2017-01-22
        - pod fixes/updates
        - added BMP180 section to FAQ
        - added untracked files
        - removed the ability to use SYS (GPIO_SYS) mode. It was implemented to
          avoid having to be root
        - moved gpio_layout() from core to Util
        - RPi::ADC::ADS is now a prereq (v1.01)
        - added adc() (closes #12)
        - moved pwm_range() to Util, leaving only object creation methods
          in the core module
        - fixed POD in reference to shiftreg (closes #13)
        - added ADC section in FAQ
        - added docs/, with fritzing drawings and images for basic pwm/ADC
        - incorporated RPi::SPI as spi() to provide direct access to the Serial
          Peripheral Interface

2.36.2  2017-01-14
        - change versioning. The X.XX portion represents which version of
          WiringPi::API and wiringPi we're compatible with
        - cleaned up some tests due to previous changes
        - added module and all functionality of the barometric
          pressure sensor per WiringPi::API
        - updated ver of WiringPi::API prereq to v2.36.1

1.02    2017-01-13
        - incorporated shift registers after adding to WiringPi::API
        - added shift_register()
        - updated documentation (POD and Tutorial)

1.01    2016-08-27
        - no functional changes
        - POD fixes, updates and clarifications (thanks 'jmlynesjr' from
          PerlMonks for assisting)

1.00    2016-08-24
        - SYS mode has been disabled and hidden until the PWM and interrupt
          functionality can be sorted out for that mode
        - cleaned up manual test help info as to be accurate
        - POD editing
        - test cleanup (all standard unit tests skip if not on a Pi)
        - all manual tests pass (interrupts are a bit iffy still)
        - bumped prereq of WiringPi::API to 1.04

0.99_06 2016-08-22
        - POD cleanup
        - cleanup() added, puts each registered pin in INPUT mode, and disables
          PUD if set
        - re-added register_pin(), we no longer keep track of objects, just the
          GPIO scheme numbers for cleanup and error checking
        - removed unregister_pin()
        - we now die() if trying to use a pin that is already in use
        - removed Interrupt::unset()
        - removed Pin::unset_interrupt()
        - software PWM is now implemented, but disabled due to issues yet to be
        - removed from the distribution. The methods it used to handle
          are now located directly in
        - we now check for duplicate pins in $pi->pin() and in register_pin()
        - added test for duplicate pin registration
        - added system setup information in FAQ

0.99_05 2016-08-18
        - added Util::_sys_mode() to determine if we need wrappers for certain
          calls or not
        - changed back to the default setup() call instead of setup_sys(), as
          a lot of wrapping needs to be done (such as in pin_mode() and pwm())
          to make things work properly
        - fixed calls to _sys_mode() in new(). Didn't have the _ prefix
        - we now check if something else has called a setup() routine
        - new env var, RPI_SCHEME, set when a setup routine is called so that
          if it's called twice, we'll know and be able to carry on
        - added new RPI_MODE_* constants that contain pin modes. This replaces
          _sys_mode() (removed) and cleans up other logic
        - renamed gpio_map() and gpio_scheme() to pin_map() and pin_scheme()
        - added CLI binary "pinmap", prints out pin mappings
        - fixed return issue in pin_map()
        - Pin: pwm() and pull() have been updated to work in setup_sys() mode
        - Pin: pull() now automatically sets the pin into INPUT mode()
        - we now default to SYS mode (ie. non-root) (documentation enhanced)
        - when creating a new pin object in SYS mode, we now export() the pin
          in new()
        - rewrote register_pin() and unregister_pin(). They both translate the
          pin number to GPIO no matter the scheme, then unexport() it
        - added manual tests for all four modes in test/*
        - slight edits in FAQ/Tutorial
        - bumped req RPi::WiringPi::Constant to 0.02
        - bumped req WiringPi::API to 1.03

0.99_04 2016-08-16
        - added Tutorial/FAQ

0.99_02 2016-08-16
        - bumped sub module versions so they'd show up on the CPAN
        - began adding more elaborate tests

0.99_01 2016-08-16
        - feature freeze. All work until 1.00 will be spent writing tests for
          everything and ensuring documentation is accurate
        - added, added associated methods in both WiringPi
          and Pin
        - Core::setup_sys() now exports all pins automatically with sudo. This
          setup method is now the default if none is specified in new(),
          meaning that by default, we now use the BCM pin numbering scheme
        - renamed RPi::WiringPi::Core to WiringPi::API
        - cleaned up code in Interrupt to deal with the much improved way we
          now handle interrupts
        - added pin_to_gpio() to Util, returns the BCM representation of a pin
          number no matter what scheme is in use
        - added interrupt_set() and interrupt_unset() to Pin

0.05    2016-08-13
        - renamed WiringPi::pin_map() to gpio_scheme()
        - added WiringPi::gpio_map()
        - new()'s setup param now accepts 'none', allowing us to pypass the
          wiringPi's initialization
        - new, moved all utility methods from WiringPi to Util.
          WiringPi now only handles SIGs and component objects
        - moved all param checking from Core into the respective modules here
          to keep Core as close to the C code as possible

0.04    2016-08-11
        - added module, for interfacing with LCD displays, along with
          a massive update to Core
        - changed LED::init() to just pass along the args hash, and let Core
          deal with any issues

0.03    2016-08-11
        - wrote RPi::WiringPi::Constant as a standalone module
        - added $SIG{__DIE__} handler so we can clean up properly on die()
        - added 'fatal_exit' new() param for testing
        - we now catch $SIG{INT} as well, with a test
        - new method pin_map(), returns the current pin mapping
        - tests now work on non-Pi boards (if wiringPi lib is installed)
        - implemented 
        - added with methods rev(), wpi_to_gpio(), phys_to_gpio() and

0.02    2016-08-10
        - implemented getAlt() in Core, and in Pin, mode() with no params
          now returns the current mode of the pin
        - added cleanup()

0.01    2016-08-10
        - initial prototype release
        - added
        - added error checking
        - first round of tests
        - NO_BOARD env var