Changes for version 2.36.6 - 2017-01-26

  • * Notice * some functionality will be removed and/or hidden from the next release, due to being incompatible or just plain me desiring to rewrite them. Soft PWM is going as it doesn't work properly at this level, and I'm seriously considering getting rid of all setup modes less GPIO (as its a headache to maintain). I'll beef up the translation tables though, so you can do such trickery as: $ENV{RPI_PIN_MAP} = 'wpi'; or some such, and we'll translate the pin numbers on the fly for you. Feedback welcome.
  • updated FAQ, made section headers, fixed issue in shiftreg overview
  • added breadboard diagram and fritzing project for dual 74HC595 shift register connections, and other various schematics
  • prereq version bumps: WiringPi::API v2.36.4, RPi::SPI v 2.36.4
  • renamed error() to _error(), as it is literally an internal method that traps $SIG collapses for cleanup, so that pod-coverage.t would stop complaining


FAQ and Tutorial for RPi::WiringPi


Perl interface to Raspberry Pi's board, GPIO, LCDs and other various items
Perl interface to the BMP180 barometric pressure sensor
Raspberry Pi GPIO pin interrupts
Perl interface to Raspberry Pi LCD displays via the GPIO pins
Access and manipulate Raspberry Pi GPIO pins
Utility methods for RPi::WiringPi Raspberry Pi interface