Changes for version 2.3619 - 2017-07-04

  • hid all of the setup() tests. Somewhere in the last commits we broke it, but that's actually ok
  • all external devices/sensors that require GPIO pins have all of those pins registered prior to returning the object
  • registered pins are still stored in $ENV{RPI_PINS}, but we store them within a JSON hash now, along with each pin's state and alt mode
  • in cleanup, we now use WiringPi::API directly to reset all registered pins back to the way they were as the program first started up
  • significantly beefed up the testing regime. On each test file, we check that all pins are back to their default (pre-test) state and mode. Added t/ to handle the work
  • addded new DEVELOPMENT section to FAQ; added blurb about registering pins if adding new subs
  • all pins are now reset to default with cleanup(), as well as on any crash (closes #34)
  • fix typo in GPS section in SYNOPSIS (closes #37)
  • clarify in POD that it's not just WiringPi::API we use (closes #38)
  • clean up POD (closes #36)


FAQ and Tutorial for RPi::WiringPi


Perl interface to Raspberry Pi's board, GPIO, LCDs and other various items
Utility methods for RPi::WiringPi Raspberry Pi interface