Changes for version 2.3622 - 2018-02-10

  • no functional changes
  • added env var and related info about testing RPi::LCD in the testing section POD (closes #59)
  • fix small formatting issue (C<<>>) in POD (closes #56)
  • test fixes/updates
  • t/ now checks whether the serial pins (14, 15) are in alt mode 4 (default) or 2 (bluetooth disabled)
  • add blurb in FAQ and POD about lowering I2C bus speed if using I2C with an Arduino (closes #61)
  • fix incorrect RPi::Pin POD link in Core (closes #60)
  • add blurb about disabling bluetooth when using serial (closes #57)
  • re-added t/README for test GPIO pin usage (closes #58)
  • bump prereq versions of RPi::Serial, RPi::I2C, RPi::SPI


FAQ and Tutorial for RPi::WiringPi


Perl interface to Raspberry Pi's board, GPIO, LCDs and other various items
Core methods for RPi::WiringPi Raspberry Pi interface