brewbuild - Perl/Berry brew unit testing automation across installed perl versions (Windows and Unix).

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You must be in the root directory of the distribution you want to test. Note that all arguments passed into the script have single-letter counterparts. Also note that each time the command is run, your unit tests will be run on all installed *brew instances.

# run all unit tests against all installed instances with no other action


# use a custom plugin containing the build/test commands to pass to
# perlbrew (can also be set in $ENV{TBB_PLUGIN} for persistence)

brewbuild --plugin 'Test::BrewBuild::Plugin::DefaultExec' # default

# install three new instances of perl, randomly

brewbuild --count 3

# enable debugging, and run against all installed instances (can be used
# in conjunction with all other args). Use 0-7 as the argument to it, the
# default is 4

brewbuild --debug

# remove all perl instances (less the currently used one), install two
# new random versions, and run tests against all installed perls

brewbuild --remove --count 2

# install all available perl versions, and run tests against all of them

brewbuild --count -1

# print usage information

brewbuild --help

# install a specific version and run tests on all instances (include just
# the number portion of the version per "perlbrew available" or "berrybrew
# available"

brewbuild --version 5.20.3

# multiple versions can be passed in at once

brewbuild -v 5.20.3 -v 5.14.4 -v 5.23.5


This brewbuild script installed by the Test::Brewbuild module allows you to perform your unit tests across all of your Perlbrew (Unix) or Berrybrew (Windows) Perl instances, with the ability to very easily create your own plugins that contain the code that perlbrew/berrybrew exec will process. (See Test::BrewBuild::Plugin::DefaultExec for an example).

For Windows, you'll need to install Berrybrew (see "SEE ALSO" for details). For Unix, you'll need Perlbrew.

It allows you to remove and reinstall on each test run, install random versions of perl, or install specific versions.

All unit tests are run against all installed instances.

The actual module is just a helper for the installed script, and isn't designed for end-user use.


Steve Bertrand, <steveb at>


Any and all feedback and help is appreciated. A Pull Request is the preferred method of receiving changes (, but regular patches through the bug tracker, or even just email discussions are welcomed.



You can find documentation for this script and module with the perldoc command.

perldoc brewbuild
perldoc Test::BrewBuild


Berrybrew for Windows:

Perlbrew for Unixes:


Copyright 2016 Steve Bertrand.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.