Revision history for Test-BrewBuild

1.03_02 2016-03-26
        - FAIL strategy completed. If there's STDERR output, we write it all to
          brewbuild_err.bblog. FAIL reports go into $perlver.bblog, and if
          we're using a plugin that accepts a module, we put fail reports into
          Tested::Module-$perlver.bblog, with the '::' replaced into '-'. The
          results (PASS and FAIL) are now all displayed at the end of output
          for easy identification (closes #43)
        - fixed case-insensitivity bug with options. -R and -r now do the
          respective Right Thing
        - cpanm is now called with the -v flag on the --test-only portion of
          the default plugin

1.03_01 2016-03-25
        - if --args is passed in, brewbuild runs the number of times the list
          has elements, and on each pass, the plugin receives the current arg
          in the list
        - --args executes --new and --remove only on first run through the loop
        - plugins now get a copy of the parent log for cloning
        - added --revdep, tests all CPAN reverse dependencies on the module
          you're testing
        - added prereq CPAN::ReverseDependencies for --revdep
        - Plugin::Simple v0.06 now required (fixes #28, #30)
        - documented $log as first param to a plugin (closes #35)
        - cleaned up SYNOPSIS (closes #38)
        - add tests for --args param for plugins (closes #32)
        - we now croak if there's no 't/' dir, as there'd be nothing to test
          (closes #34)
        - removed -R flag, -r was interfering. We'll figure this out later
        - cleaned up logging. By default 0 will display install/remove actions,
          all other logging needs debug 5-7 (closes #37)

1.02    2016-03-24
        - default plugin now uses cpanm for all installs, rendering the build
          system in use irrelevant (should work for distzilla) (closes #29)
        - added new --args arg to 'brewbuild', this is an aref that gets
          dereferenced and the list passed into the 'brewbuild_exec()' sub
          in each plugin
        - fixed abstract issue (closes #27)
        - removed t/11-results.t, as we don't return results anymore
        - modified logging levels

1.01    2016-03-22
        - set README to the binary, not the module... d'oh!

1.00    2016-03-22
        - removed, we now use Plugin::Simple for the plugin init work
        - BUILD_REQUIRES Mock::Sub v1.06 for testing purposes, so we can test
          without *brew installed (and if it is, we don't want to be managing
        - finally got around to implementing a near full test suite (closes #4)
        - removed version() from, not needed
        - bumped major version number now that we're tested and stable

0.06    2016-03-21
        - added '--on' param, send in a list of perl versions to run against,
          instead of the default all (closes #17)
        - renamed 'count' param to 'new', kept change for backwards
          compatibility reasons (closes #23)
        - we can now load non-installed local plugins by specifying the full or
          relative path name plus name of file to the --plugin param (closes
        - all *brew command creation moved to
          (closes #19)
        - new round of unit tests
        - added debug logging to Test::BrewBuild::BrewCommands
        - added warning in Makefile.PL and skip a bunch of tests if *brew isn't 
        - 'brewbuild' command warns with a link to the respective *brew, and
          exits if it isn't installed

0.05    2016-03-18
        - we now recognize when Module::Build is being used, as opposed
          to EUMM, and it works properly (fixes #12)
        - *brew exec commands are now loaded via a plugin architecture. Set by
          the '-p|--plugin' or an environment variable, plugin writing is
          exceptionally simplistic
        - renamed --reload arg to --remove
        - fix undef issue in if a plugin name can't be found
        - --debug param now accepts a level param (0-7) to set the level (added
          Logging::Simple as prereq)
        - remove all prereqs from Makefile.PL that are already in core
          (closes #15)
        - add prereqs that aren't in core as of v5.8 into Makefile.PL (closes
        - completely peppered the modules with various debugging level
        - added POD in Test::BrewBuild::Plugin

0.04    2016-03-16
        - testing now properly works across all installed perls
        - the exec file is now auto-generated with File::Temp, and unlinked
          after use (closes #9)
        - install now skips and warns (w/ debug) if a version it's trying to
          install is already installed (closes #8)
        - added POD for both the script and module (closes #5)

0.03    2016-03-01
        - App::cpanminus now a prereq
        - fixed issue in split in results() (fixes #6)

0.02    2016-02-23
        - implemented Object Oriented approach
        - added _test_file(), returns the test file brew will run (uses
        - added t/01-test_file.t
        - added POD (closes #3)
        - version arg now accepts multiple values (closes #1)
        - fixed defined-or to be 5.8 compatible

0.01    2016-02-23
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.