Changes for version 1.03_02 - 2016-03-26

  • FAIL strategy completed. If there's STDERR output, we write it all to brewbuild_err.bblog. FAIL reports go into $perlver.bblog, and if we're using a plugin that accepts a module, we put fail reports into Tested::Module-$perlver.bblog, with the '::' replaced into '-'. The results (PASS and FAIL) are now all displayed at the end of output for easy identification (closes #43)
  • fixed case-insensitivity bug with options. -R and -r now do the respective Right Thing
  • cpanm is now called with the -v flag on the --test-only portion of the default plugin

Changes for version 1.03_01 - 2016-03-25

  • if --args is passed in, brewbuild runs the number of times the list has elements, and on each pass, the plugin receives the current arg in the list
  • --args executes --new and --remove only on first run through the loop
  • plugins now get a copy of the parent log for cloning
  • added --revdep, tests all CPAN reverse dependencies on the module you're testing
  • added prereq CPAN::ReverseDependencies for --revdep
  • Plugin::Simple v0.06 now required (fixes #28, #30)
  • documented $log as first param to a plugin (closes #35)
  • cleaned up SYNOPSIS (closes #38)
  • add tests for --args param for plugins (closes #32)
  • we now croak if there's no 't/' dir, as there'd be nothing to test (closes #34)
  • removed -R flag, -r was interfering. We'll figure this out later
  • cleaned up logging. By default 0 will display install/remove actions, all other logging needs debug 5-7 (closes #37)


This is the front-end script for Test::BrewBuild


Perl/Berry brew unit testing automation across installed perl versions (Windows and Unix).
Provides Windows/Unix *brew command translations.
The default 'exec' command plugin.


in lib/Test/BrewBuild/Plugin/