Changes for version 1.05_02 - 2016-04-20

  • we now set up a log file within Tester for BrewBuild if Tester is logging, but not to STDOUT
  • added a POD document for the config file
  • created a Tutorial for the distributed testing environment setup

Changes for version 1.05_01 - 2016-04-19

  • we can now distribute test builds to remote Test::BrewBuild test servers
  • bbdispatch and bbtester scripts added, which handle the test distribution network/systems
  • and modules, containing the APIs for the distribution setup
  • we no longer now print anything out by default; everything is returned, and its up to end-user to handle
  • major debug logging improvements
  • significant code cleanup and tests implemented
  • added/improved upon the flags for the ``brewbuild'' script


Dispatch Test::BrewBuild builds to remote test servers.
Remote Windows/Unix testing platform server daemon for Test::BrewBuild
Automate module and reverse-dependency testing, on Windows and Unix
Basic overview of using the client/server aspects of the Test::BrewBuild build system
Optional configuration file for the Test::BrewBuild build system.


Perl/Berry brew unit testing automation, with remote tester dispatching capabilities.
Provides Windows/Unix *brew command translations for Test::BrewBuild
Dispatch Test::BrewBuild test runs to remote test servers.
Git repository manager for the Test::BrewBuild test platform system.
The default 'exec' command plugin.
Daemonized testing service for dispatched test run execution, for Windows & Unix.


in lib/Test/BrewBuild/Plugin/