Changes for version 2.36.7 - 2017-03-09
- disable tests when not on a Pi board (within a BEGIN block)
- added INLINE.h to MANIFEST file (re-closes #8)
- fix bug in lcd_init(), where we weren't extracting the values from the argument hash, thereby too many args were being passed into lcdInit() C function (closes #27)
- added a workaround for lcd_char_def(). For some reason, we need to print a zero-width char before calling the C function lcdCharDef(). One day I'll need to sort out why (closes #26)
- in lcd_char_def(), changed from "V0C*" to "C[8]" for pack()
- removed duplicate test declaration in t/00-load.t
API for wiringPi, providing access to the Raspberry Pi's board, GPIO and connected peripherals