NAME - A Perl implementation of Aslak Hellesøy's cucumber
Assuming you have your features in './features/' and your steps in './features/steps/', you can run your cucumber tests like this:
If your features and steps are in another directory, you can manually define them:
$ --features=/dir/with/features --steps=/dir/with/steps
Should you with to run a particular feature file, you can pass a single file:
$ --feature_file=/some/file.feature
If you want to run only tagged scenarios, you can define the tag:
$ --tag=some_tag
To run, say, steps from a particular location and only given scenarios in a given file...
$ --steps=/dir/with/steps --tag=some_tag --feature_file=/some/file.feature
The directories defined with the '--steps' and '--features' and searched recursively for files with containing '' and '.feature' on the end respectively. All other files are ignored. For example...
Having fallen in love with the cucumber BDD suite for Rails, I thought it would be nice to have some basic implementation in Perl.
I won't go into much detail regarding cucumber itself as it's quite weird and there are websites that better explain but the gist of it is this. For BDD, you have non-developers (ideally) writing your tests. Not only does this cut down on development effort but also means no more 80 page func specs!
The structure is split down as features (the human readable test) and your steps, which will execute the actual code. Features are split into "Given", "When" and "Then". "Given" is your context (e.g. "Given I am on the home page"). "When" is the action performed (e.g. "When I click on 'blog'") and "Then" s your result check (e.g. "Then I should see 'my blogs'"). Wicked, init?
So lets see what our feature file for this will look like:
Scenario: I want to see my blog Given I am on the home page When I click on "blogs" Then I will see "my blogs"
A feature file will contain many related "scenarios". The scenario is meta data and is used as an overall description of the task.
The feature file must have the extension of ".feature" and for simplicity we'll stuff it in "./features/".
So now lets have this actually do something. To do this, we need to create our step file. We'll call it "" and it should live in "./features/steps/".
use Test::More qw(no_plan); # we'll use this for our tests use HTTP::Request;
Given qr/^I am on the home page$/, sub { $html = HTTP::Request->new('GET' => ''); # see "MR T" for details on the "%T" hash. ok($html, $T{-name}); };
# any matches are passed in as parameters to the callback given below. When qr/^I click on "(.+)"$/, sub { my $urlLabel = shift; # $urlLabel #=> blogs my $content = $html->content(); # $html remains persistant
# yeah yeah, hacky
$content =~ /href="(.+)">$urlLabel</;
$html = HTTP::Request->new('GET' => $1);
ok($html, $T{-name});
Then qr/^I will see "(.+)"$/, sub { my $pageTitle = shift;
Easy, init? Note: i've not actually tested the above! Have a look in 't/features/' of the distro to see simple examples.
What if you want to go multiple "Givens", "Whens" or "Thens"?? Well, that's easy, use an "And" or "But". For example
Scenario: When I was born Given my mother is pregnant And she is going in to labor When she visits hospital And so does my father Then I will be born And I will be a man But I will not be a woman
"But" and "And" will repeat the previous step type. They are also technically identical but look pretty.
This ambiguously but short named hash table is global and available within your steps. It contains information about the current feature and step that is being run. It has the following keys... -name => this is a string for convenience in your tests. It contains the current scenario and step (given, when, then string). -step => the string of the step (e.g. "Given I am on the home page"). -stepType => the "type" of step ("Given", "Then" or "When"). -lineNumber => the line number being executed in the .feature file. -featureFile => the filename of the currently executing feature. -tableArray => a two dimentional array of a table (if there is one defined). -tableHash => actually an array of hashes. each array element represents a row and each hash key contains the column header and the value is the content of the column.
Wow, where to begin?! Look in the 't/features' directory for some simple examples. Also look at the following webpages (if you don't like Ruby, look away now...):
Cucumber home page:
BDD & Dan North:
Mandatory Wikipedia Page:
Test::More (not mandatory but certainly useful):
- Add support for "Feature:".
- Case insensitivity
- Better, more modular code and make into distributable module.
- Grab the usefully named "Test::Cucumber" AND ACTUALLY PUT SOMETHING THERE!! (FFS)
To Dan North for BDD, Aslak Hellesøy for cucumber, ThoughtWorks for showing me cucumber and development at the REA Group ( for being my guineapigs.
I better get out of bed an enjoy my birthday now!
Copyright (c) 2009 Stephen Hardisty <>
This product is free and distributed under the Gnu Public License (GPL). A copy of this license was included in this distribution in a file called LICENSE. If for some reason, this file was not included, please see to obtain a copy of this license.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 308:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Hellesøy's'. Assuming UTF-8