MooseX::Role::Flyweight - Automatically memoize your Moose objects for reuse


version 0.005


Conpose MooseX::Role::Flyweight into your Moose class.

package Glyph::Character;
use Moose;
with 'MooseX::Role::Flyweight';

has 'c' => (is => 'ro', required => 1);

sub draw {
    my ($self, $context) = @_;

Get cached object instances by calling instance() instead of new().

my $unshared_object = Glyph::Character->new(%args);

my $shared_object = Glyph::Character->instance(%args);
my $same_object   = Glyph::Character->instance(%args);
my $diff_object   = Glyph::Character->instance(%diff_args);


"A million tiny objects can weigh a ton." Instead of creating a multitude of identical copies of objects, a flyweight is a memoized instance that may be reused in multiple contexts simultaneously to minimize memory usage.

MooseX::Role::Flyweight is a Moose role that enables your Moose class to automatically manage a cache of reusable instances. In other words, the class becomes its own flyweight factory.

Because of the cost of constructing objects, reusing flyweights may have the effect of improving speed. However, this may be offset by the need to manage extrinsic state separately.

Flyweight v. Singleton

MooseX::Role::Flyweight provides an instance() method which looks similar to MooseX::Singleton. This is in part because MooseX::Role::Flyweight departs from the original "Gang of Four" design pattern in that the role of the Flyweight Factory has been merged into the Flyweight class itself. But the choice of the method name was based on MooseX::Singleton.

While MooseX::Role::Flyweight and MooseX::Singleton look similar, understanding their intentions will highlight their differences:


MooseX::Singleton limits the number of instances allowed for that class to ONE. For this reason, its instance() method does not accept construction arguments and will always return the same instance. If arguments are required for construction, then you will need to call its initialize() method.


MooseX::Role::Flyweight is used to facilitate the reuse of objects to reduce the cost of having many instances. The number of instances created will be reduced, but it does not set a limit on how many instances are allowed. Its instance() method does accept construction arguments because it is responsible for managing the construction of new instances when it finds that it cannot reuse an existing one.



my $obj = MyClass->instance(%constructor_args);

This class method returns an instance that has been constructed from the given arguments. The first time it is called with a given set of arguments it will construct the object and cache it. On subsequent calls with the equivalent set of arguments it will reuse the existing object by retrieving it from the cache.

The arguments may be in any form that new() will accept. This is normally a hash or hash reference of named parameters. Non-hash(ref) arguments are also possible if you have defined your own BUILDARGS class method to handle them (see Moose::Manual::Construction).

Note that instances that are constructed by calling new() directly do not get cached and therefore will never be returned by this method.


my $obj_key = MyClass->normalizer(%constructor_args);

This class method generates the keys used by instance() to identify objects for storage and retrieval in the cache. Generally you should not need to access this method directly unless you want to modify the way it generates the cache keys.

It accepts the arguments used for construction and returns a string representation of those arguments as the key. Equivalent arguments will result in the same string.

It does not handle blessed references as arguments.


Flyweights should be immutable

Your flyweight object attributes should be read-only. It is dangerous to have mutable flyweight objects because it means you may get something you don't expect when you retrieve it from the cache the next time.

my $flight = Flight->instance(destination => 'Australia');

# ... later, in another context
my $flight = Flight->instance(destination => 'Australia');
die 'hypothermia' if $flight->destination eq 'Antarctica';

Value objects are the type of objects that are suited as flyweights.

Argument normalization

Instances are identified for reuse based on the equivalency of the named parameters used for construction as interpreted by normalizer().

When determining equivalency it will:

  • Apply the class BUILDARGS method on your arguments so that it will not distinguish between hash and hashref (and non-hash) arguments.

    # same object returned
    $obj1 = My::Flyweight->instance( attr => 'value' );
    $obj2 = My::Flyweight->instance({attr => 'value'});
  • Sort the keys in a hash(ref) argument, which means that it will always produce the same string for the same named parameters regardless of the order they are given.

    # same object returned
    $obj1 = My::Flyweight->instance( attr1 => 1, attr2 => 2 );
    $obj2 = My::Flyweight->instance( attr2 => 2, attr1 => 1 );

On the other hand, it will not handle:

  • Unused construction parameters. You can use MooseX::StrictConstructor to prevent this.

    # different objects with same values returned
    $obj1 = My::Flyweight->instance( attr => 'value' );
    $obj2 = My::Flyweight->instance( attr => 'value', unused_attr => 'value' );
  • Default attribute values. You can extend/override normalizer() to handle this if you wish.

    # different objects with same values returned
    $obj1 = My::Flyweight->instance( attr1 => 'value' );
    $obj2 = My::Flyweight->instance( attr1 => 'value', attr2 => 'default' );

Garbage collection of cached objects

The cache uses weak references to the objects so that the cache references do not prevent the objects from being garbage collected. This means that an object in the cache will be destroyed when all other references to it go out of scope.

my $obj = My::Flyweight->instance(%args);
# $obj is in the cache
undef $obj;
# $obj is garbage collected and disappears from the cache


Steven Lee <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Steven Lee.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.