Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

#/usr/bin/env perl
do 'utility_funcs.pl';
my $tests = 3; # keep on line 17 for ,i (increment and ,d (decrement)
plan tests => $tests;
# test that it dies if file not passed
my $obj;
$obj = JSON::Karabiner->new('some_title', 'file.json', {mod_file_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/"});
my $rule = $obj->add_rule('some rule');
my $manip = $rule->add_manipulator;
my $to = $manip->add_action('to');
dies_ok {$obj->_fake_write_file} 'catches manipulator with key';
throws_ok {$obj->_fake_write_file} qr/no 'from'/i, 'throws correct error';
my $from = $manip->add_action('from');
throws_ok {$obj->_fake_write_file} qr/'from'.*is empty/i, 'throws correct error';