CPAN::SQLite::Info - extract information from CPAN indices


version 0.218


This module extracts information from the CPAN indices $CPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz and $CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz.

A CPAN::SQLite::Info object is created with

my $info = CPAN::SQLite::Info->new(CPAN => $cpan);

where $cpan specifies the top-level CPAN directory underneath which the index files are found. Calling


will result in the object being populated with 3 hash references:

  • $info->{dists}

    This contains information on distributions. Keys of this hash reference are the distribution names, with the associated value being a hash reference with keys of

    dist_vers - the version of the CPAN file
    dist_file - the CPAN filename
    cpanid - the CPAN author id
    dist_abs - a description, if available
    modules - specifies the modules present in the distribution:
    for my $module (keys %{$info->{$distname}->{modules}}) {
      print "Module: $module\n";
  • $info->{mods}

    This contains information on modules. Keys of this hash reference are the module names, with the associated values being a hash reference with keys of

    dist_name - the distribution name containing the module
    mod_vers - the version
    mod_abs - a description, if available
  • $info->{auths}

    This contains information on CPAN authors. Keys of this hash reference are the CPAN ids, with the associated value being a hash reference with keys of

    fullname - the author's full name
    email - the author's email address

