Dancer::Template::Abstract - abstract class for Dancer's template engines


This class is provided as a mother class for each template engine. Any template engine must inherits from it and have to provide a set of methods.



The template engine can overload this method if some initialization stuff has to be done before the template engine is used.

The mother class provide a dumb init() method that returns true and do nothing.

render($self, $template, $tokens)

This method must be implemented by the template engine. Given a template and a tokens set, it returns a processed string.

If $template is a reference, it's assumed it's a reference to a string that contains the template itself. If it's not a reference, it's assumed that the string is a path to template file. The render method will then have to open it a read its content (Dancer::FileUtils::read_file_content does that job).

This method's return value must be a string which is the result of the interpolation of $tokens in $template.

If an error occur, the method should trigger an exception with die.

Examples :

# with a template as a file
$content = $engine->render('/my/template.txt', { var => 42 };

# with a template as a scalar
my $template = "here is <% var %>";
$content = $engine->render(\$template, { var => 42 }); 


This module has been written by Alexis Sukrieh, see Dancer for details.