Dancer::Plugins - interesting plugins to add to Dancer's capabilities
Dancer aims to keep the core as small as possible, but there are a growing number of useful plugins to add helpful features.
This document provides a quick summary of some recommended plugins.
- Dancer::Plugin::Database
Provides easy database access via DBI, reading the DB connection details from your app's config file, and taking care of ensuring the connection is still valid and reconnecting if not (useful in persistent environments). Just calling the
keyword gives you a connected and working database handle. It also provides some helpful keywords to make inserting/updating data as simple as it should be. - Dancer::Plugin::DBIC
Provides easy acces to DBIx::Class database virtualization.
- Dancer::Plugin::Authorize
Dancer Authentication, Security and Role-Based Access Control Framework.
- Dancer::Plugin::Email
Provides easy email-sending powered by Email::Send - simply call the
keyword. Email sending settings can be taken from your app's config. - Dancer::Plugin::Ajax
Provides easy way to add Ajax route handlers.
- Dancer::Plugin::REST
Makes writing RESTful web services easy.
- Dancer::Plugin::SiteMap
Automatically provides site maps (as a HTML page, or as an XML sitemap ready for Google) based on the routes your app defines.
- Dancer::Plugin::Validation
Easy data validation powered by Oogly.
- Dancer::Plugin::Params::Normalization
Provides different ways of normalizing parameter names
- Dancer::Plugin::SimpleCRUD
Provides easy CRUD (create, read, update, delete) facilities, automatically creating routes to display, add, edit and delete data from a database table.
- Dancer::Plugin::WebSocket
Supports building apps using Web Sockets for bi-directional, full-duplex communications over a long-lived socket connection.
- Dancer::Plugin::Memcached
Cache page responses or individual items of data with memcached for performance.
- Dancer::Plugin::MobileDevice
Quickly determine whether the client is a mobile browser, in order to offer a simplified layout, or otherwise customise features.
More plugins are appearing on CPAN all the time - just search for Dancer::Plugin
to see what may have been released since this document was last updated!