Dancer::Manual::Developers - Steps to follow to hack on Dancer
version 1.9999_01
This document is for developers. If you want to try out Dancer, hack it a bit, fix bugs, improve documentations, provide patches, etc. , you need to be able to build it and understand some basic stuff. This document tries to help in this regard.
Get Git
Go to, and get a git client for your platform
Get Dancer sources from GitHub
Go to Then you can either grab a tarball, or clone read-only, or fork the project.
I recommend you to fork the project into your github account, so that you can go write modifications, and provide patches (Pull Requests) to upstream easily.
So go on and click on the Fork button. Then git clone your Dancer forked repo.
Prepare your environment (Perlbrew version)
You need Perl, and Dist::Zilla, and a few additional modules. This section describes how to get to a point where all the test passes and Dancer is usable, starting from nothing, using Perlbrew.
Get Perlbrew
Perlbrew allows you to have multiple version of Perl on your system, alongside your system built-in Perl. It's very handy, and doesn't require administration permissions.
Go to and follow the instructions to install the perlbrew
Install Perl
Now you need to pick up a version of Perl you'll install. Depending on what the current stable version is, the following line will have to be adapted. At the time of writing.
To see which version of perl is available, use:
# perlbrew available
Then go on and install a version inside Perlbrew. I recommend you give a name to the installation (--as
option), as well as compiling without the tests (--n
option) to speed it up.
perlbrew install -n perl-5.14.2 --as dancer_development -j 3
Wait a while, and it should be done. Switch to your new Perl with:
perlbrew switch dancer_development
Now you are using the fresh Perl, you can check it with:
which perl
Install cpanm
To be able to easily and quickly install Perl modules, I recommend using cpanm
perlbrew install-cpanm
Install Dist::Zilla
Dancer uses Dist::Zilla ( ). Dist::Zilla is a program to make it easier to write, package, manage, and release free software.
However, it's not built in Perl, so let's install it:
cpanm -n Dist::Zilla
That will take some time, but should install properly.
After that is done, you should be able to launch dzil
# dzil
Available commands:
commands: list the application's commands
help: display a command's help screen
authordeps: list your distribution's author dependencies
build: build your dist
clean: clean up after build, test, or install
install: install your dist
listdeps: print your distribution's prerequisites
new: mint a new dist
nop: do nothing: initialize dzil, then exit
release: release your dist
run: run stuff in a dir where your dist is built
setup: set up a basic global config file
smoke: smoke your dist
test: test your dist
If that's the case, all's good.
Install dist.ini dependencies
The Dancer sources come with a dist.ini
. That's the configuration files for Dist::Zilla
, so that it knows how to build Dancer. However, in this configuration files, we use several Dist::Zilla
plugins, that are not yet installed. Let's do that with:
dzil authordeps | cpanm -n
That should install a bunch of stuff
Install Dancer dependencies
Now that Dist::Zilla
is up and running, you should install the dependencies required by Dancer:
dzil listdeps | cpanm -n
When that is done, you're good to go !
Test Dancer
Launching the Dancer test suite is easy:
dzil test
Dancer Core Developers
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Alexis Sukrieh.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.