Changes for version 0.06 - 2023-11-08
- Google Fonts are configurable via the settings: 'google_fonts'.
- 'Splash' widget to display a big image on the home with a big title and a call-to-action button.
- Custom CSS can be defined in liteblog's config, will be loaded if so ('css' entry).
- Articles can now define a 'background' setting. If so, should be a valid (big) image that will change the render of the post to a full-screen background. The article will then be displayed on a transparent white box. Useful for important pages that need to standout.
- Site title is clickable in the navigation bar.
A minimalist, file-based blog engine for Dancer2.
Activities widget for LiteBlog
Represents a single article or page in LiteBlog.
Blog widget for Liteblog.
A welcome and call-to-action widget for Liteblog
Base class for LiteBlog widgets
in lib/Dancer2/Plugin/LiteBlog/
in lib/Dancer2/Plugin/LiteBlog/Scaffolder/