App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP - HTTP proxy with the ability to inspect and modify content


# only use cmdline args
# only use given args
# combine cmdline args with given defaults

# short for App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP->new(...)->start;

# show cmdline usage


App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP implements an HTTP proxy, which can inspect and modify the HTTP header or content before forwarding. Inspection and modification is done with plugins implementing the Net::IMP interface.

The proxy is single-threaded and non-forking, but due to the event-driven model it can still process multiple connections in parallel. It is mainly intended to be used as a platform for easy prototyping of interesting ideas using IMP plugins, but should be also fast enough to be used to enhance, secure, restrict or protocol the browsing experience for small groups.

Public Methods

  • new([\%OPTIONS],[@ARGV])

    Creates a new object. The first argument might be an hash reference with options. All other arguments will be used as ARGV for cmdline parsing and might result in overwriting the defaults from OPTIONS.

    The following options and its matching cmdline arguments are defined:

    filter ARRAY | -F|--filter mod

    List of IMP filters, which should be used for inspection and modification. These can be a fully qualified name, or a short name, which need to be combined with one of the given namespace prefixes to get the full name. It can also be already an IMP factory object.

    The cmdline option can be given multiple times. If '-' is given as name on the cmdline all previously defined filters are discarded.

    impns ARRAY | --imp-ns prefix

    Namespace prefixes to make adding filters from cmdline shorter. Defaults to App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP::IMP, Net::IMP.

    The cmdline option can be given multiple times. If '-' is given at cmdline all previously defined prefixes (including defaults) are discarded.

    addr [spec+]

    Array of listener/upstream specifications for proxy. Each specification can be

    ip:port - address where the proxy should listen
    ip:port=target_ip:port - listener address and upstream proxy address
    socket - precreated listener socket
    [ socket, target_ip:port ] - precreated listener socket and address of upstream proxy

    On the cmdline these are given as the remaining arguments, e.g. after all other options.

    mitm_ca proxy_ca.pem

    When this parameter is given it will intercept SSL connections by ending the connection from the server at the proxy and creating a new connection with a new certificate signed by the given ca.pem (e.g. man in the middle). Thus it will be able to analyse and manipulate encrypted connections.

    ca.pem needs to include the CA cert and key in PEM format. Also you better import the CA certificate into your browser, or you will get warnings on access to SSL sites, because of the correctly detected man in the middle attack.

    To generate the proxy certificate you might use openssl:

    openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024
    openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -key key.pem -out proxy_ca.pem 
    cat key.pem >> proxy_ca.pem
    # export to PKCS12 for import into browser
    openssl pkcs12 -export -in proxy_ca.pem -inkey proxy_ca.pem -out proxy_ca.p12

    It will try to create the directory proxy_ca.pem.cache and use it as a cache for generated cloned certificates. If this is not possible the cloned certificates will persist over restarts of the proxy.

    capath certs.pem | cert-dir

    The path (file with certificates or directory) with the CAs, which are used to verify SSL certificates when doing SSL interception. If not given it will check initially for various path, starting with using Mozilla::CA, trying /etc/ssl/certs and /etc/ssl/certs.pem before giving up and exiting.


    If true disables checking of SSL certificates when doing SSL interception.

    The following options are only for the cmdline

    -d|--debug [RX]

    Enable debugging. If RX is given it will be used as a regular expression to restrict debugging to given packages.

    Outside the cmdline these settings can be done by setting $DEBUG and $DEBUG_RX exported by App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP::Debug.

    -T|--trace T

    Enable tracing for Net::Inspect modules. Outside the cmdline these settings can be done by setting %TRACE from the Net::Inspect::Debug package.

  • start

    Start the proxy, e.g. start listeners and process incoming connections. No arguments are expected if called on an object, but one can use the form App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP->start(@args) as a shorter alternative to App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP->new(@args)->start.

    If no return value is expected from this method it will enter into an endless loop by calling loop. If a value is expected it will return 1, and the caller hast to call loop itself.

  • loop

    Class method, which calls AnyEvent mainloop using AnyEvent->condvar->recv and handles all callback send by once.

  • once

    Sometimes it is necessary to let the current event handler finish, before calling some specific action. The class method once schedules a subroutine to be called outside any other event handlers.

Reaction to Signals

The installs some signal handlers:


Dump current state to STDERR, e.g. active connections and their state.


Toggles debugging (e.g. enable|disable).


Steffen Ullrich <>


Copyright 2012,2013 Steffen Ullrich.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.