# Net::SIP::Simple::RTP
# implements some RTP behaviors
# - media_recv_echo: receive and echo data with optional delay back
# can save received data
# - media_send_recv: receive and optionally save data. Sends back data
# from file with optional repeat count
use strict;
use Net::SIP::Util qw(invoke_callback);
use Socket;
# on MSWin32 non-blocking sockets are not supported from IO::Socket
use constant CAN_NONBLOCKING => $^O ne 'MSWin32';
# creates function which will initialize Media for echo back
# Args: ($writeto,$delay)
# $delay: how much packets delay between receive and echo back (default 0)
# if <0 no ddata will be send back (e.g. recv only)
# $writeto: where to save received data (default: don't save)
# Returns: [ \&sub,@args ]
sub media_recv_echo {
my ($writeto,$delay) = @_;
my $sub = sub {
my ($delay,$writeto,$call,$args) = @_;
my $lsocks = $args->{media_lsocks};
my $ssocks = $args->{media_ssocks} || $lsocks;
my $raddr = $args->{media_raddr};
my $didit = 0;
for( my $i=0;1;$i++ ) {
my $sock = $lsocks->[$i] || last;
$sock = $sock->[0] if UNIVERSAL::isa( $sock,'ARRAY' );
my $s_sock = $ssocks->[$i] || last;
$s_sock = $s_sock->[0] if UNIVERSAL::isa( $s_sock,'ARRAY' );
my $addr = $raddr->[$i];
$addr = $addr->[0] if ref($addr);
my @delay_buffer;
my $echo_back = sub {
my ($s_sock,$remote,$delay_buffer,$delay,$writeto,$targs,$didit,$sock) = @_;
for my $dummy (1) {
my $buf = _receive_rtp( $sock,$writeto,$targs,$didit );
defined($buf) or last;
#DEBUG( "$didit=$$didit" );
$$didit = 1;
next if $delay<0;
next if ! $remote; # call on hold ?
push @$delay_buffer, $buf;
while ( @$delay_buffer > $delay ) {
send( $s_sock,shift(@$delay_buffer),0,$remote );
CAN_NONBLOCKING && redo; # try recv again
$call->{loop}->addFD( $sock,
[ $echo_back,$s_sock,$addr,\@delay_buffer,$delay || 0,$writeto,{},\$didit ] );
my $reset_to_blocking = CAN_NONBLOCKING && $s_sock->blocking(0);
push @{ $call->{ rtp_cleanup }}, [ sub {
my ($call,$sock,$rb) = @_;
DEBUG( 100,"rtp_cleanup: remove socket %d",fileno($sock));
$call->{loop}->delFD( $sock );
$sock->blocking(1) if $rb;
}, $call,$sock,$reset_to_blocking ];
# on RTP inactivity for at least 10 seconds close connection
my $timer = $call->{dispatcher}->add_timer( 10,
[ sub {
my ($call,$didit,$timer) = @_;
if ( $$didit ) {
$$didit = 0;
} else {
DEBUG(10, "closing call because if inactivity" );
}, $call,\$didit ],
push @{ $call->{ rtp_cleanup }}, [
sub {
DEBUG( 100,"cancel RTP timer" );
return [ $sub,$delay,$writeto ];
# creates function which will initialize Media for saving received data
# into file and sending data from another file
# Args: ($readfrom;$repeat,$writeto)
# $readfrom: where to read data for sending from (filename or callback
# which returns payload)
# $repeat: if <= 0 the data in $readfrom will be send again and again
# if >0 the data in $readfrom will be send $repeat times
# $writeto: where to save received data (undef == don't save), either
# filename or callback which gets packet as argument
# Returns: [ \&sub,@args ]
sub media_send_recv {
my ($readfrom,$repeat,$writeto) = @_;
my $sub = sub {
my ($writeto,$readfrom,$repeat,$call,$args) = @_;
my $lsocks = $args->{media_lsocks};
my $ssocks = $args->{media_ssocks} || $lsocks;
my $raddr = $args->{media_raddr};
my $didit = 0;
for( my $i=0;1;$i++ ) {
my $sock = $lsocks->[$i] || last;
$sock = $sock->[0] if UNIVERSAL::isa( $sock,'ARRAY' );
my $s_sock = $ssocks->[$i] || last;
$s_sock = $s_sock->[0] if UNIVERSAL::isa( $s_sock,'ARRAY' );
my $addr = $raddr->[$i];
$addr = $addr->[0] if ref($addr);
# recv once I get an event on RTP socket
my $receive = sub {
my ($writeto,$targs,$didit,$sock) = @_;
while (1) {
my $buf = _receive_rtp( $sock,$writeto,$targs,$didit );
defined($buf) or return;
$call->{loop}->addFD( $sock, [ $receive,$writeto,{},\$didit ] );
my $reset_to_blocking = CAN_NONBLOCKING && $sock->blocking(0);
# sending need to be done with a timer
# ! $addr == call on hold
if ( $addr ) {
my $cb_done = $args->{cb_rtp_done} || sub { shift->bye };
my $timer = $call->{dispatcher}->add_timer(
0, # start immediatly
[ \&_send_rtp,$s_sock,$call->{loop},$addr,$readfrom, {
repeat => $repeat || 1,
cb_done => [ sub { invoke_callback(@_) }, $cb_done, $call ],
rtp_param => $args->{rtp_param},
$args->{rtp_param}[2], # repeat timer
push @{ $call->{ rtp_cleanup }}, [ sub {
my ($call,$sock,$timer,$rb) = @_;
$call->{loop}->delFD( $sock );
$sock->blocking(1) if $rb;
}, $call,$sock,$timer,$reset_to_blocking ];
# on RTP inactivity for at least 10 seconds close connection
my $timer = $call->{dispatcher}->add_timer( 10,
[ sub {
my ($call,$args,$didit,$timer) = @_;
if ( $$didit ) {
$$didit = 0;
} else {
DEBUG( 10,"closing call because if inactivity" );
}, $call,$args,\$didit ],
push @{ $call->{ rtp_cleanup }}, [ sub { shift->cancel }, $timer ];
return [ $sub,$writeto,$readfrom,$repeat ];
# Helper to receive RTP and optionally save it to file
# Args: ($sock,$writeto,$targs,$didit)
# $sock: RTP socket
# $writeto: filename for saving or callback which gets packet as argument
# $targs: \%hash to hold state info between calls of this function
# $didit: reference to scalar which gets set to TRUE on each received packet
# and which gets set to FALSE from a timer, thus detecting inactivity
# Return: $packet
# $packet: received RTP packet (including header)
sub _receive_rtp {
my ($sock,$writeto,$targs,$didit) = @_;
my $from = recv( $sock,my $buf,2**16,0 );
return if ! $from || !defined($buf) || $buf eq '';
DEBUG( 50,"received %d bytes from RTP", length($buf));
if(0) {
use Socket;
my ($lport,$laddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in( getsockname($sock));
$laddr = inet_ntoa( $laddr ).":$lport";
my ($pport,$paddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in( $from );
$paddr = inet_ntoa( $paddr ).":$pport";
DEBUG( "got data on socket %d %s from %s",fileno($sock),$laddr,$paddr );
$$didit = 1;
my $packet = $buf;
my ($vpxcc,$mpt,$seq,$tstamp,$ssrc) = unpack( 'CCnNN',substr( $buf,0,12,'' ));
my $version = ($vpxcc & 0xc0) >> 6;
if ( $version != 2 ) {
DEBUG( 100,"RTP version $version" );
# skip csrc headers
my $cc = $vpxcc & 0x0f;
substr( $buf,0,4*$cc,'' ) if $cc;
# skip extension header
my $xh = $vpxcc & 0x10 ? (unpack( 'nn', substr( $buf,0,4,'' )))[1] : 0;
substr( $buf,0,4*$xh,'' ) if $xh;
# ignore padding
my $padding = $vpxcc & 0x20 ? unpack( 'C', substr($buf,-1,1)) : 0;
my $payload = $padding ? substr( $buf,0,length($buf)-$padding ): $buf;
DEBUG( 100,"payload=$seq/%d xh=%d padding=%d cc=%d", length($payload),$xh,$padding,$cc );
if ( $targs->{rseq} && $seq<= $targs->{rseq} ) {
DEBUG( 10,"seq=$seq last=$targs->{rseq} - dropped" );
$targs->{rseq} = $seq;
if ( ref($writeto)) {
# callback
invoke_callback( $writeto,$payload,$seq,$tstamp );
} elsif ( $writeto ) {
# save into file
my $fd = $targs->{fdr};
if ( !$fd ) {
open( $fd,'>',$writeto ) || die $!;
$targs->{fdr} = $fd
return $packet;
# Helper to read RTP data from file (PCMU 8000) and send them through
# the RTP socket
# Args: ($sock,$loop,$addr,$readfrom,$targs,$timer)
# $sock: RTP socket
# $loop: event loop (used for looptime for timestamp)
# $addr: where to send data
# $readfrom: filename for reading or callback which will return payload
# $targs: \%hash to hold state info between calls of this function
# especially 'repeat' holds the number of times this data has to be
# send (<=0 means forever) and 'cb_done' holds a [\&sub,@arg] callback
# to end the call after sending all data
# 'repeat' makes only sense if $readfrom is filename
# $timer: timer which gets canceled once all data are send
# Return: NONE
sub _send_rtp {
my ($sock,$loop,$addr,$readfrom,$targs,$timer) = @_;
my ($buf);
if ( ref($readfrom) ) {
# payload by callback
$buf = invoke_callback( $readfrom );
if ( !$buf ) {
DEBUG( 50, "no more data from callback" );
$timer && $timer->cancel;
invoke_callback( $targs->{cb_done} );
} else {
# read from file
for(my $tries = 0; $tries<2;$tries++ ) {
$targs->{wseq} ||= int( rand( 2**16 ));
my $fd = $targs->{fd};
if ( !$fd ) {
$targs->{repeat} = -1 if $targs->{repeat} < 0;
if ( $targs->{repeat} == 0 ) {
# no more sending
DEBUG( 50, "no more data from file" );
$timer && $timer->cancel;
invoke_callback( $targs->{cb_done} );
open( $fd,'<',$readfrom ) || die $!;
$targs->{fd} = $fd;
my $size = $targs->{rtp_param}[1]; # 160 for PCMU/8000
last if read( $fd,$buf,$size ) == $size;
# try to reopen file
$targs->{fd} = undef;
$buf || die $!;
# add RTP header
my $seq = $targs->{wseq};
# 32 bit timestamp based on seq and packet size
# FIXME: it assumes here that packet size == number of samples which is true only for 8bit
my $timestamp = ( $targs->{rtp_param}[1] * $seq ) % 2**32;
if (0) {
my ($fp,$fa) = unpack_sockaddr_in( getsockname($sock) );
$fa = inet_ntoa($fa);
my ($tp,$ta) = unpack_sockaddr_in( $addr );
$ta = inet_ntoa($ta);
DEBUG( 50, "$fa:$fp -> $ta:$tp seq=$seq ts=%x",$timestamp );
my $header = pack('CCnNN',
0b10000000, # Version 2
$targs->{rtp_param}[0], # 0 == PMCU 8000
$seq, # sequence
0x1234, # source ID
DEBUG( 100,"send %d bytes to RTP", length($buf));
send( $sock,$header.$buf,0,$addr ) || die $!;