# Net::SIP::Simple::Call
# manages a call, contains Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context
# has hooks for some RTP handling
use strict;
use fields qw( call_cleanup rtp_cleanup ctx param );
# call_cleanup: callbacks for cleaning up call, called at the end
# rtp_cleanup: callbacks for cleaning up RTP connections, called
# on reINVITEs and at the end
# ctx: Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context object for this call
# param: various parameter to control behavior
# leg: thru which leg the call should be directed (default: first leg)
# init_media: initialize handling for media (RTP) data, see
# Net::SIP::Simple::RTP
# sdp : predefined Net::SIP::SDP or data accepted from NET::SIP::SDP->new
# media_lsocks: if sdp is provided the sockets has to be provided too
# \@list of sockets for each media, each element in the list is
# either the socket (udp) or [ rtp_socket,rtpc_socket ]
# sdp_on_ack: send SDP data on ACK, not on INVITE
# asymetric_rtp: socket for sending media to peer are not the same as
# the sockets, where the media gets received, creates media_ssocks
# media_ssocks: sockets used to send media to peer. If not given
# and asymetric_rtp is used the sockets will be created, if not given
# and not !asymetric_rtp media_lsocks will be used, e.g. symetric RTP
# recv_bye: callback or scalar-ref used when call is closed by peer
# send_bye: callback or scalar-ref used when call is closed by local side
# sdp_peer: Net::SIP::SDP from peer
# clear_sdp: ' causes that keys sdp,sdp_peer,media_ssocks and
# media_lsocks gets cleared on new invite, so that a new SDP session
# need to be established
# cb_final: callback which will be called on final response in INVITE
# with (status,self,%args) where status is OK|FAIL
# cb_preliminary: callback which will be called on preliminary response
# in INVITE with (self,code,packet)
# cb_established: callback which will be called on receiving ACK in INVITE
# with (status,self) where status is OK|FAIL
# sip_header: hashref of SIP headers to add
# call_on_hold: one-shot parameter to set local media addr to,
# will be set to false after use
# rtp_param: [ pt,size,interval,name ] RTP payload type, packet size and interval
# between packets managed in Net::SIP::Simple::RTP, default is PCMU/8000,
# e.g [ 0,160,160/8000 ]
# a name can be added in which case an rtpmap and ptme entry will be created in the
# SDP, e.g. [ 97,240,0.03,'iLBC/8000' ]
use Net::SIP::Util qw(create_rtp_sockets invoke_callback);
use Socket;
use Storable 'dclone';
use Carp 'croak';
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
# create a new call based on a controller
# Args: ($class,$control,$ctx;$param)
# $control: Net::SIP::Simple object which controls this call
# $ctx: SIP address of peer for new call or NET::SIP::Endpoint::Context
# or hashref for constructing NET::SIP::Endpoint::Context
# $param: see description of field 'param'
# Returns: $self
sub new {
my ($class,$control,$ctx,$param) = @_;
my $self = fields::new( $class );
%$self = %$control;
$self->{ua_cleanup} = [];
$self->{ctx} = ref($ctx) ? $ctx : {
to => $ctx,
from => $self->{from},
contact => $self->{contact},
auth => $self->{auth},
route => $self->{route},
$self->{call_cleanup} = [];
$self->{rtp_cleanup} = [];
$self->{param} = $param ||= {};
$param->{init_media} ||= $self->rtp( 'media_recv_echo' );
$param->{rtp_param} ||= [ 0,160,160/8000 ]; # PCMU/8000: 5*160 bytes/second
return $self;
# Cleanups
# explicit cleanups might be necessary if callbacks reference back into
# the object so that it cannot be cleaned up by simple ref-counting alone
sub cleanup {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift;
while ( my $cb = shift @{ $self->{call_cleanup} } ) {
if ( my $ctx = $self->{ctx} ) {
$self->{endpoint}->close_context( $ctx );
$self->{param} = {};
sub rtp_cleanup {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift;
while ( my $cb = shift @{ $self->{rtp_cleanup} } ) {
DEBUG( 100,"done" );
DEBUG( 100,"done" );
# return peer of call
# Args: $self
# Returns: $peer
sub get_peer {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift;
return $self->{ctx}->peer;
# set parameter
# Args: ($self,%param)
# Returns: $self
sub set_param {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
@{ $self->{param} }{ keys %args } = values %args;
return $self;
# get value for parameter(s)
# Args: ($self,@keys)
# Returns: @values|$value[0]
sub get_param {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift;
my @v = @{$self->{param}}{@_};
return wantarray ? @v : $v[0];
# (Re-)Invite other party
# Args: ($self;%param)
# %param: see description of field 'param', gets merged with param
# already on object so that the values are valid for future use
# Returns: Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context
# Comment:
# If cb_final callback was not given it will loop until it got a final
# response, otherwise it will return immediatly
sub reinvite {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $param = $self->{param};
my $clear_sdp = delete $args{clear_sdp};
$clear_sdp = $param->{clear_sdp} if ! defined $clear_sdp;
if ( $clear_sdp ) {
# clear SDP keys so that a new SDP session will be created
@{ $param }{qw( sdp _sdp_saved sdp_peer media_ssocks media_lsocks )} = ()
$self->{param} = $param = { %$param, %args } if %args;
my $leg = $param->{leg};
if ( ! $leg ) {
($leg) = $self->{dispatcher}->get_legs();
$param->{leg} = $leg;
my $ctx = $self->{ctx};
my $sdp;
if ( ! $param->{sdp_on_ack} ) {
$sdp = $param->{sdp}
# predefined callback
my $cb = sub {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift || return;
my ($endpoint,$ctx,$errno,$code,$packet,$leg,$from,$ack) = @_;
if ( $errno ) {
if ( $code == 487 ) {
# request was canceled, probably be me -> ignore
} else {
$self->error( "Failed with error $errno".( $code ? " code=$code" :"" ) );
invoke_callback( $param->{cb_final}, 'FAIL',$self,errno => $errno,code => $code,packet => $packet );
# new requests in existing call are handled in receive()
return $self->receive( @_ ) if $packet->is_request;
# response to INVITE
# all other responses will not be propagated to this callback
my $param = $self->{param};
if ( $code =~m{^1\d\d} ) {
# preliminary response, ignore
DEBUG(10,"got preliminary response of %s|%s to INVITE",$code,$packet->msg );
invoke_callback( $param->{cb_preliminary},$self,$code,$packet );
} elsif ( $code !~m{^2\d\d} ) {
DEBUG(10,"got response of %s|%s to INVITE",$code,$packet->msg );
invoke_callback( $param->{cb_final},'FAIL',$self,code => $code );
# cleanup RTP from last call
$self->_setup_peer_rtp_socks( $packet ) || do {
invoke_callback( $param->{cb_final},'FAIL',$self );
if ( $param->{sdp_on_ack} && $ack ) {
$ack->set_body( $param->{sdp} );
invoke_callback( $param->{cb_final},'OK',$self );
invoke_callback( $param->{init_media},$self,$param );
my $stopvar = 0;
$param->{cb_final} ||= \$stopvar;
$cb = [ $cb,$self ];
weaken( $cb->[1] );
$self->{ctx} = $self->{endpoint}->invite(
$ctx, $cb, $sdp,
$param->{sip_header} ? %{ $param->{sip_header} } : ()
if ( $param->{cb_final} == \$stopvar ) {
# This callback will be called on timeout or response to cancel which
# got send after ring_time was over
my $noanswercb;
if ( $param->{ring_time} ) {
$noanswercb = sub {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift || return;
my ($endpoint,$ctx,$errno,$code,$packet,$leg,$from,$ack) = @_;
$stopvar = 'NOANSWER' ;
my $param = $self->{param};
invoke_callback( $param->{cb_noanswer}, 'NOANSWER',$self,
errno => $errno,code => $code,packet => $packet );
if ( $code =~ m{^2\d\d} ) {
DEBUG(10,"got response of %s|%s to CANCEL",$code,$packet->msg );
invoke_callback( $param->{cb_final},'NOANSWER',$self,code => $code );
$noanswercb = [ $noanswercb,$self ];
weaken( $noanswercb->[1] );
# wait until final response
$self->loop( $param->{ring_time}, \$stopvar );
unless ($stopvar) { # timed out
$self->{endpoint}->cancel_invite( $self->{ctx},undef, $noanswercb );
$self->loop( \$stopvar );
} else {
# wait until final response
$self->loop( \$stopvar );
$param->{cb_final} = undef;
return $self->{ctx};
# cancel call
# Args: ($self,%args)
# %args:
# cb_final: callback when CANCEL was delivered. If not given send_cancel
# callback on Call object will be used
# Returns: true if call could be canceled
# Comment: cb_final gets triggered if the reply for the CANCEL is received
# or waiting for the reply timed out
sub cancel {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $cb = delete $args{cb_final};
%args = ( %{ $self->{param} }, %args );
$cb ||= $args{send_cancel};
my $cancel_cb = [
sub {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift || return;
my ($cb,$args,$endpoint,$ctx,$error,$code) = @_;
# we don't care about the cause of this callback
# it might be a successful or failed reply packet or no reply
# packet at all (timeout) - the call is considered closed
# in any case except for 1xx responses
if ( $code && $code =~m{^1\d\d} ) {
DEBUG( 10,"got prelimary response for CANCEL" );
invoke_callback( $cb,$args );
weaken( $cancel_cb->[1] );
return $self->{endpoint}->cancel_invite( $self->{ctx}, undef, $cancel_cb );
# end call
# Args: ($self,%args)
# %args:
# cb_final: callback when BYE was delivered. If not given send_bye
# callback on Call object will be used
# Returns: NONE
# Comment: cb_final gets triggered if the reply for the BYE is received
# or waiting for the reply timed out
sub bye {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $cb = delete $args{cb_final};
%args = ( %{ $self->{param} }, %args );
$cb ||= $args{send_bye};
my $bye_cb = [
sub {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift || return;
my ($cb,$args,$endpoint,$ctx,$error,$code) = @_;
# we don't care about the cause of this callback
# it might be a successful or failed reply packet or no reply
# packet at all (timeout) - the call is considered closed
# in any case except for 1xx responses
# FIXME: should we check for 302 moved etc?
if ( $code && $code =~m{^1\d\d} ) {
DEBUG( 10,"got prelimary response for BYE" );
invoke_callback( $cb,$args );
weaken( $bye_cb->[1] );
$self->{endpoint}->new_request( 'BYE',$self->{ctx}, $bye_cb );
# handle new packets within existing call
# Args: ($self,$endpoint,$ctx,$error,$code,$packet,$leg,$from)
# $endpoint: the endpoint
# $ctx: context for call
# $error: errno if error occured
# $code: code from responses
# $packet: incoming packet
# $leg: leg where packet came in
# $from: addr from where packet came
# Returns: NONE
sub receive {
my ($self,$endpoint,$ctx,$error,$code,$packet,$leg,$from) = @_;
if ( ! $packet ) {
$self->error( "error occured: $error" );
} elsif ( $packet->is_request ) {
my $method = $packet->method;
my $param = $self->{param};
if ( $method eq 'BYE' || $method eq 'CANCEL' ) {
# tear down
invoke_callback( $param->{recv_bye},$param);
# everything else already handled by Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context
} elsif ( $method eq 'ACK' || $method eq 'INVITE' ) {
# can transport sdp data
if ( my $sdp_peer = $packet->sdp_body ) {
DEBUG( 50,"got sdp data from peer: ".$sdp_peer->as_string );
$self->_setup_peer_rtp_socks( $sdp_peer );
if ( $method eq 'INVITE' ) {
if ( $param->{clear_sdp} ) {
# clear SDP keys so that a new SDP session will be created
@{ $param }{qw( sdp _sdp_saved sdp_peer media_ssocks media_lsocks )} = ()
$param->{leg} ||= $leg;
# send 200 OK with sdp body
my $response = $packet->create_response(
'200','OK',{},$param->{sdp} );
DEBUG( 100,'created response '.$response->as_string );
$self->{endpoint}->new_response( $ctx,$response,$leg,$from );
} elsif ( $method eq 'ACK' ) {
$self->rtp_cleanup; # close last RTP session
} elsif ( $method eq 'OPTIONS' ) {
my $response = $packet->create_response( '200','OK',$self->{options} );
$self->{endpoint}->new_response( $ctx,$response,$leg,$from );
} else {
# don't expect any responses.
# Response to BYE is handled by Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context
# other responses from the peer I don't expect
DEBUG( 100,"got response. WHY? DROP." );
# setup $self->{param} for remote socks from remote SDP data
# Args: ($self,$data)
# $data: packet containing sdp_body (Net::SIP::Packet) or
# SDP data (Net::SIP::SDP)
# Returns: NONE
sub _setup_peer_rtp_socks {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift;
my $param = $self->{param};
my $data = shift || $param->{sdp_peer};
my $sdp_peer;
if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $data, 'Net::SIP::Packet' )) {
$sdp_peer = $data->sdp_body or do {
$self->error( "No SDP body in packet" );
} else {
$sdp_peer = $data
$param->{sdp_peer} = $sdp_peer;
my @media = $sdp_peer->get_media;
my $ls = $param->{media_lsocks};
if ( $ls && @$ls && @media != @$ls ) {
$self->error( "Unexpected number of media entries in SDP from peer" );
my $raddr = $param->{media_raddr} = [];
my $null_address = pack( 'CCCC',0,0,0,0 ); # c= => call on hold
foreach my $m (@media) {
my $range = $m->{range} || 1;
my $paddr = inet_aton( $m->{addr} );
if ( $paddr eq $null_address ) {
# on-hold for this media
push @$raddr, undef;
} else {
my @socks = map { scalar(sockaddr_in( $m->{port}+$_ , $paddr )) }
push @$raddr, @socks == 1 ? $socks[0] : \@socks;
return 1;
# setup local RTP socks
# Args: $self
# Returns: NONE
# Comments: set sdp,media_lsocks,media_ssocks in self->{param}
sub _setup_local_rtp_socks {
my Net::SIP::Simple::Call $self = shift;
my $param = $self->{param};
my $call_on_hold = $param->{call_on_hold};
$param->{call_on_hold} = 0; # one-shot
my $sdp = $param->{_sdp_saved} || $param->{sdp};
if ( $sdp && !UNIVERSAL::isa( $sdp,'Net::SIP::SDP' )) {
$sdp = Net::SIP::SDP->new( $sdp );
my $laddr = $param->{leg}{addr};
if ( !$sdp ) {
# create SDP body
my $raddr = $param->{media_rsocks};
# if no raddr yet just assume one
my @media;
if ( my $sdp_peer = $param->{sdp_peer} ) {
foreach my $m ( $sdp_peer->get_media ) {
if ( $m->{proto} ne 'RTP/AVP' ) {
$self->error( "only RTP/AVP supported" );
if ( $m->{media} eq 'audio' ) {
# enforce PCMU/8000 for now
$m = { %$m, fmt => '0' }
push @media, {
media => $m->{media},
proto => $m->{proto},
range => $m->{range},
fmt => $m->{fmt},
} else {
my $rp = $param->{rtp_param};
push @media, {
proto => 'RTP/AVP',
media => 'audio',
fmt => $rp->[0] || 0, # PCMU/8000
$rp->[3] ? (
a => [ "rtpmap:$rp->[0] $rp->[3]" , "ptime:".$rp->[2]*1000 ]
) :(),
my $lsocks = $param->{media_lsocks} = [];
foreach my $m (@media) {
my ($port,@socks) = create_rtp_sockets( $laddr,$m->{range} )
or die $!;
push @$lsocks, @socks == 1 ? $socks[0] : \@socks;
$m->{port} = $port;
$sdp = $param->{sdp} = Net::SIP::SDP->new(
{ addr => $laddr },
unless ( $param->{media_lsocks} ) {
# SDP body was provided, but sockets not
croak( 'not supported: if you provide SDP body you need to provide sockets too' );
# asymetric_rtp, e.g. source socket of packet to peer is not the socket where RTP
# from peer gets received
if ( !$param->{media_ssocks} && $param->{asymetric_rtp} ) {
my @arg = (
Proto => 'udp',
LocalAddr => ( $param->{rtp_addr} || $laddr )
my $msocks = $param->{media_ssocks} = [];
foreach my $m (@{ $param->{media_lsocks} }) {
my $socks;
if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $m,'ARRAY' )) {
$socks = [];
foreach my $sock (@$m) {
push @$socks, IO::Socket::INET->new(@arg) || die $!;
} else {
$socks = IO::Socket::INET->new(@arg) || die $!;
push @$msocks,$socks;
$param->{_sdp_saved} = $sdp;
if ( $call_on_hold ) {
$sdp = dclone($sdp); # make changes on clone
my @new = map { [ '',$_->{port} ] } $sdp->get_media;
$sdp->replace_media_listen( @new );
$param->{sdp} = $sdp;