Net::SIP::Util - utility functions used by all of Net::SIP


use Net::SIP::Util qw( create_rtp_sockets );
my ($port,@socks) = create_rtp_sockets( '' ) or die;


This package implements various utility function used within various Net::SIP packages and partly usable for the user of Net::SIP too.

Each of this functions is exportable, but none is exported per default. All functions can be exported at once with the import flag :all.


invoke_callback ( CALLBACK, @ARGS )

Invokes callback CALLBACK with additional args @ARGS. CALLBACK can be:

A code reference

In this case it will be called as $CALLBACK->(@ARGS) and return the return value of this call.

A reference to a scalar

In this case the scalar will be set to $ARGS[0] and the rest of @ARGS will be ignored. If no @ARGS are given the scalar will be set to TRUE. It will return with the value of the scalar.

An object which has a method run

In this case it will call $CALLBACK->run(@ARGS) and return with the return value of this call.

A reference to an array

The first element of the array will be interpreted as code reference, while the rest as args, e.g. it will do:

my ($coderef,@cb_args) = @$CALLBACK;
return $coderef->( @cb_args, @ARGS );
A regular expression

In this case it will try to match all @ARGS against the regex. If anything matches it will return TRUE, else FALSE.

create_socket_to ( ADDR, [ PROTO ] )

Creates socket with protocol PROTO (default 'udp') on a local interface, from where ADDR is reachable. This is done by first creating a UDP socket with target ADDR and using getsockname(2) to find out the local address of this socket. The newly created socket than will be bound to this address.

It will try to bind the socket to port 5060 (default SIP port). If this fails it will try port 5062..5100 and if it cannot bind to any of these ports it will just use any port which gets assigned by the OS.

For multihomed hosts where several addresses are bound to the same interface it will just use one of these addresses. If you need more control about the address the socket is bound to (and which will be used as the local IP in outgoing packets) you need to create the socket yourself.

In scalar context it just returns the newly created socket. In array context it will return the socket and the "ip:port" the created socket is bound to. If the creation of the socket fails it will return () and set $!.


my ($sock,$ip_port) = create_socket_to ( '' )
or die $!;
create_rtp_sockets ( LADDR, [ RANGE, MINPORT, MAXPORT, TRIES ] )

This tries to allocate sockets for RTP. RTP consists usually of a data socket on an even port number and a control socket (RTCP) and the following port. It will try to create these sockets. MINPORT is the minimal port number to use (default 2000), MAXPORT the highest port (default MINPORT+10000), TRIES is the number of attempts it makes to create such socket pairs and defaults to 1000.

RANGE is the number of consecutive ports it needs to allocate and defaults to 2 (e.g. data and control socket).

Allocation will be done by choosing a random even number between MINPORT and MAXPORT and then trying to allocate all the sockets on this and the following port numbers.

If the allocation fails after TRIES attempts were made it will return (), otherwise it will return an array with at first the starting port number followed by all the allocated sockets.


my ($port,$rtp_sock,$rtcp_sock) = create_rtp_sockets( '' )
or die "allocation failed";
sip_hdrval2parts ( KEY, VALUE )

Interprets VALUE as a value for the SIP header field KEY and splits it into the parts (prefix, parameter). Because for most keys the delimiter is ;, but for some keys , the field name KEY need to be known.

KEY needs to be normalized already (lower case, no abbrevation).

Returns array with initial data (up to first delimiter) and the parameters as hash.

Example for key 'to':

'"Silver; John" <>; tag=...; protocol=TCP'
-> ( '"Silver; John" <>', { tag => ..., protocol => 'TCP' } )

Example for key 'www-authenticate':

'Digest method="md5", qop="auth"'
-> ( 'Digest', { method => 'md5', qop => 'auth' } )
sip_parts2hdrval ( KEY, PREFIX, \%PARAMETER )

Inverse function to sip_hdrval2parts, e.g constructs header value for KEY from PREFIX and %PARAMETER and returns value.

sip_uri2parts ( URI )

Returns parts from URI. If called in scalar context it returns only the domain part. In array context it returns an array with the following values:

domain - The domain part (including ports if any)
user - The user part of the SIP address
proto - The protocol, e.g. "sip" or "sips".
data - The part before any parameter, includes SIP address
param - A hash reference to any parameter, like in sip_hdrval2parts.
sip_uri_eq ( URI1, URI2 )

Returns true if both URIs point to the same SIP address. This compares user part case sensitive, domain part case insensitive (does no DNS resolution) protocol and ports in domain (assumes default ports for protocol if no port is given).

ip_string2parts(STR) -> (HOST, PORT, FAMILY)

This will parse the given string STR and split it into the parts as follows:

IPv4, [IPv4] -> (IPv4, undef, AF_INET)
IPv4:port, [IPv4]:port -> (IPv4, port, AF_INET)
IPv6, [IPv6] -> (IPv6, undef, AF_INET6)
[IPv6]:port -> (IPv6, port, AF_INET6)
host, [host] -> (host, undef, undef)
host:port, [host]:port -> (host, port, undef)
ip_parts2string(HOST, [ PORT, FAMILY, IPv6_BRCKT]) -> STR

This is the reverse to ip_string2parts. If family is not given it will be determined by checking if ip_or_host contains ':' (i.e IPv6 address):

(ip_or_host) -> ip_or_host
(ipv4_or_host,port) -> ipv4_or_host:port
(ipv6,port) -> [ipv6]:port
(ipv6,undef,*,true) -> [ipv6]
ip_parts2sockaddr(IP, PORT, [FAMILY]) -> SOCKADDR

This will create a sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6 from IP and PORT. FAMILY will be determined by checking the IP if not given.

ip_sockaddr2parts(SOCKADDR, [FAMILY]) -> (IP, PORT, FAMILY)

This will return the IP, PORT and FAMILY from a sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6. If FAMILY is not given it will be determined based on the size of SOCKADDR.

ip_sockaddr2string(SOCKADDR, [FAMILY]) -> STR

This will return the STR from a sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6, i.e. like combining ip_sockaddr2parts with ip_parts2string. If FAMILY is not given it will be determined based on the size of SOCKADDR.

ip_ptr(IP, [FAMILY]) -> PTR_NAME

This will create the hostname used in reverse lookup of an IP address, i.e. * or * If FAMILY is not given it will be determined based on the syntax of IP.

ip_canonical(IP, [FAMILY]) -> IP

This will convert the given IP address into a canonical form suitable for comparison.

hostname2ip(host, [FAMILY]) -> @IP

This will lookup the given name using getaddrinfo and return the IP addresses. If FAMILY is given only addresses matching the family will be returned.

ip_is_v4(IP) -> true|false

This checks if the given IP address is a valid IPv4 address.

ip_is_v6(IP) -> true|false

This checks if the given IP address is a valid IPv6 address.