# package Net::SIP::Endpoint
# implements the behavior of an endpoint (SIP phone).
# packet managment (lower layer) is done by Net::SIP::Dispatcher while
# call managment is done with Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context
use strict;
use fields (
'dispatcher', # lower layer, delivers and receives packets through the legs
'application', # upper layer, e.g user interface..
'ctx' # hash of ( callid => Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context )
use Net::SIP::Util qw(invoke_callback);
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
# create a new endpoint
# Args: ($class,$dispatcher)
# $dispatcher: lower layer which handles the delivery and receiving of packets
# Returns: $self
sub new {
my ($class,$dispatcher) = @_;
my $self = fields::new($class);
$self->{dispatcher} = $dispatcher;
$self->{ctx} = {}; # \%hash with ( callid => $ctx )
# announce myself as upper layer for incoming packets to
# the dispatcher
my $cb = [ \&receive,$self ];
weaken( $cb->[1] );
$dispatcher->set_receiver( $cb );
return $self;
# set upper layer (application)
# Args: ($self,$app)
# $app: upper layer which needs to have method receive( $request )
# to handle new request, which this layer cannot handle alone
# (e.g INVITE to a new dialog)
# or this can be \&sub, [ \&sub,@arg ]...
# Returns: NONE
sub set_application {
my Net::SIP::Endpoint $self = shift;
my $app = shift;
my $cb;
if ( my $sub = UNIVERSAL::can( $app,'receive' )) {
$cb = [ $sub,$app ];
} else {
$cb = $app; # alreday callback
$self->{application} = $cb;
# create a new call or re-invite on a existing call
# wrapper around new_request()
# Args: ($self,$ctx;$callback,$body,%args)
# $ctx: Context|\%args, see new_request()
# $callback: optional Callback, see new_request()
# $body: optional Body
# %args: additional args for Net::SIP::Request::new
# Returns: $ctx
# $ctx: see new_request()
sub invite {
my Net::SIP::Endpoint $self = shift;
my ($ctx,$callback,$body,%args) = @_;
return $self->new_request( 'INVITE',$ctx,$callback,$body,%args );
# registers UAC
# Args: ($self,%args)
# %args: at minimum there must be
# from: the sip-address to register
# contact: to which local address should it registered
# registrar: SIP address of registrar
# there can be:
# expires: Expires header, defaults to 900 if not given
# callback: callback which will be called on response
# callid: callid used for calling context
# all other args will be used in creation of request
# Returns: NONE
sub register {
my Net::SIP::Endpoint $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my ($me,$registrar,$contact) =
delete @args{qw( from registrar contact )};
my $expires = delete $args{expires};
$expires = 900 if !defined($expires);
my %ctx = (
to => $me,
from => $me,
contact => $contact,
auth => delete $args{auth},
callid => delete $args{callid},
return $self->new_request(
uri => $registrar,
expires => $expires,
# starts new request, e.g creates request packet and delivers it
# Args: ($self,$method,$ctx;$callback,$body,%args)
# $method: method name, e.g. 'INVITE','REGISTER',..
# can also be a full Net::SIP::Request already (used for retries after
# 302,305 responses)
# $ctx: already established context (Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context)
# or \%hash to create a new one (see Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context->new)
# $callback: [ \&sub,@arg ] which will be called if the layer receives
# responses important to the upper layer (e.g 180 Ringing, 200 Ok,
# 401/407 Authorization required...)
# if callback is omitted the callback from the context is used,
# if callback is set it will be the new callback for the context
# $body: optional Body, either scalar or smth with method as_string
# (like Net::SIP::SDP)
# %args: additional args for Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context::new_request
# Returns: $ctx
# $ctx: context, eg the original one or newly created
# Comment: if it cannot create a new context (because of missing args)
# or something else fatal happens it will die()
sub new_request {
my Net::SIP::Endpoint $self = shift;
my ($method,$ctx,$callback,$body,%args) = @_;
die "cannot redefine call-id" if delete $args{ 'call-id' };
my ($leg,$dst_addr) = delete @args{qw(leg dst_addr)};
if ( ! UNIVERSAL::isa( $ctx,'Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context' )) {
$ctx = Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context->new(%$ctx, method => $method);
$self->{ctx}{ $ctx->callid } = $ctx; # make sure we manage the context
DEBUG( 10,"create new request for $method within new call ".$ctx->callid );
} else {
DEBUG( 10,"create new request for $method within existing call ".$ctx->callid );
$ctx->set_callback( $callback ) if $callback;
my $request = $ctx->new_request( $method,$body,%args );
DEBUG( 50,"request=".$request->as_string );
my $tid = $request->tid;
$self->{dispatcher}->deliver( $request,
id => $tid,
callback => [ \&_request_delivery_callback, $self,$ctx ],
leg => $leg,
dst_addr => $dst_addr,
return $ctx;
# Cancel last pending INVITE request
# Args: ($self,$ctx,$request,$cb)
# $ctx: context for call
# $request: request to cancel, will only cancel it, if request is
# outstanding in context, will cancel latest INVITE if not given
# $cb: callback for generated CANCEL request
# Returns: number of requests canceled (e.g 0 if no outstanding INVITE)
sub cancel_invite {
my Net::SIP::Endpoint $self = shift;
my Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context $ctx = shift;
my ($request,$callback) = @_;
my ($pkt) = $ctx->find_outstanding_requests(
$request ? ( request => $request ) : ( method => 'INVITE' )
) or return;
$self->new_request( $pkt->create_cancel, $ctx, $callback );
return 1;
# internal callback used for delivery
# will be called from dispatcher if the request was definitely successfully
# delivered (tcp only) or an error occurred
# Args: ($self,$ctx,$error,$delivery_packet)
# $ctx: Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context
# $error: errno if error occurred
# $delivery_packet: Net::SIP::Dispatcher::Packet which encapsulates
# the original request and information about leg, dst_addr...
# and has method use_next_dstaddr to try the next dstaddr if for the
# current no (more) retries are possible
# Returns: NONE
sub _request_delivery_callback {
my Net::SIP::Endpoint $self = shift;
my ($ctx,$error,$delivery_packet) = @_;
my $tid = $delivery_packet->tid;
# either successfully send over reliable transport
# or permanently failed, e.g no (more) retries possible
$ctx->request_delivery_done( $self,$tid,$error )
# remove context from Endpoint and cancel all outstanding deliveries
# Args: ($self,$id)
# $id: either id for ctx or context object or SIP packet
# Returns: $ctx
# $ctx: removed context object
sub close_context {
my Net::SIP::Endpoint $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
$id = $id->callid if ref($id);
DEBUG( 10,"close context call-id $id " );
my $ctx = delete $self->{ctx}{$id} || do {
DEBUG( 50,"no context for call-id $id found" );
# cancel all outstanding deliveries
$self->{dispatcher}->cancel_delivery( callid => $id );
return $ctx;
# receive packet from dispatcher and forwards it to receive_response
# or receive_request depending on type of packet
# Args: ($self,$packet,$leg,$from)
# $packet: Net::SIP::Packet
# $leg: Net::SIP::Leg through which the packets was received
# $from: hash with information where it got packet from
# Returns: NONE
sub receive {
my Net::SIP::Endpoint $self = shift || return;
my ($packet,$leg,$from) = @_;
return $packet->is_response
? $self->receive_response( $packet,$leg,$from )
: $self->receive_request( $packet,$leg,$from )
# Handle incoming response packet
# Args: ($self,$response,$leg,$from)
# $response: incoming Net::SIP::Response packet
# $leg: where response came in
# $from: hash with information where it got response from
# Returns: NONE
sub receive_response {
my Net::SIP::Endpoint $self = shift;
my ($response,$leg,$from) = @_;
# find context for response or drop
my $callid = $response->get_header( 'call-id' );
my $ctx = $self->{ctx}{$callid} || do {
DEBUG( 50,"cannot find context for packet with callid=$callid. DROP");
DEBUG( 10,"received reply for tid=".$response->tid );
$self->{dispatcher}->cancel_delivery( $response->tid );
$ctx->handle_response( $response,$leg,$from,$self );
# Handle incoming request packet
# Args: ($self,$request,$leg,$from)
# $request: incoming Net::SIP::Request packet
# $leg: where response came in
# $from: hash with information where it got response from
# Returns: NONE
sub receive_request {
my Net::SIP::Endpoint $self = shift;
my ($request,$leg,$from) = @_;
# this might be a request for an existing context or for a new context
my $callid = $request->get_header( 'call-id' );
my $ctx = $self->{ctx}{$callid};
my $method = $request->method;
if ( ! $ctx ) {
if ( $method eq 'BYE' || $method eq 'CANCEL' ) {
# no context for this call, reply with 481 call does not exist
# (RFC3261 15.1.2)
$request->create_response( 481,'call does not exist' ),
$leg, # send back thru same leg
$from, # and back to the sender
} elsif ( $method eq 'ACK' ) {
# call not exists (maybe closed because of CANCEL)
DEBUG(99,'ignoring ACK for non-existing call');
# create a new context;
$ctx = Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context->new(
incoming => 1,
method => $method,
from => scalar( $request->get_header( 'from' )),
to => scalar( $request->get_header( 'to' )),
remote_contact => scalar( $request->get_header( 'contact' )),
callid => scalar( $request->get_header( 'call-id' )),
via => [ $request->get_header( 'via' ) ],
$ctx->set_callback( sub {
my ($self,$ctx,undef,undef,$request,$leg,$from) = @_;
invoke_callback( $self->{application}, $self,$ctx,$request,$leg,$from );
# if I got an ACK cancel delivery of Response to INVITE
if ( $method eq 'ACK' ) {
$self->{dispatcher}->cancel_delivery( $request->tid );
$ctx->handle_request( $request,$leg,$from,$self );
# deliver a response packet
# Args: ($self,$ctx,$response,$leg,$addr)
# $ctx : Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context which generated response
# $response: Net::SIP::Response packet
# $leg : leg to send out response, eg where the request came in
# $addr : where to send respone (ip:port), eg where the request came from
# Returns: NONE
sub new_response {
my Net::SIP::Endpoint $self = shift;
my ($ctx,$response,$leg,$addr) = @_;
$self->{ctx}{ $ctx->callid } = $ctx if $ctx; # keep context
$self->{dispatcher}->deliver( $response,
leg => $leg,
dst_addr => $addr,