ColourChooser - Perl/Tk module providing a Colour selection dialogue box.
use Tk::ColourChooser ;
my $col_dialog = $Window->ColourChooser ;
my $colour = $col_dialog->Show ;
if( $colour ) {
# They pressed OK and the colour chosen is in $colour - could be
# transparent which is 'None' unless -transparent is set.
else {
# They cancelled.
# May optionally have the colour initialised.
my $col_dialog = $Window->ColourChooser( -colour => 'green' ) ;
my $col_dialog = $Window->ColourChooser( -colour => '#0A057C' ) ;
# The title may also be overridden; and we can insist that only hex values
# are returned rather than colour names. We can disallow transparent.
my $col_dialog = $Window->ColourChooser(
-title => 'Select a colour',
-colour => '0A057C',
-transparent => 0,
-hexonly => 1,
) ;
ColourChooser is a dialogue box which allows the user to pick a colour from the list in rgb.txt (supplied with X Windows), or to create a colour by setting RGB (red, green, blue) values with slider controls.
You can scroll through all the named colours by using the <Down> and <Up> arrow keys on the keyboard or by clicking the mouse on the scrollbar and then clicking the colour list.
This is optional and allows you to specify the colour that is shown when the dialogue is invoked. It may be specified as a colour name from rgb.txt or as a six digit hex number with an optional leading hash, i.e. as 'HHHHHH' or '#HHHHHH'. Default is 'black'.-hexonly
This is optional. If set to 1 it forces the ColourChooser to only return colours as hex numbers in Tk format ('#HHHHHH'); if set to 0 it returns colours as names if they are named in rgb.txt, and as hex numbers if they have no name. Transparent is always returned as 'None' however. Default is 0.-
The user has three options:
Pressing OK will return the selected colour, as a name if it has one or as an RGB value if it doesn't. (Colours which do not have names are listed as 'Unnamed' in the colour list box.) If the -hexonly
option has been specified the colour is always returned as a Tk colour hex value, i.e. in the form '#HHHHHH' except if Transparent is chosen in which case 'None' is returned.
OK is pressed by a mouse click or <Return> or <o> or <Control-o> or <Alt-o>.
Pressing Transparent will return the string 'None' which is xpm's name for transparent.
Transparent is pressed by a mouse click or <t> or <Control-t> or <Alt-t>.
Pressing Cancel will return an empty string.
Cancel is pressed by a mouse click or <Escape> or <c> or <Control-c> or <Alt-c>.
INSTALLATION should be placed in any Tk directory in any lib directory in Perl's %INC path, for example, '/usr/lib/perl5/Tk'.
ColourChooser looks for the file rgb.txt on your system - if it can't find it you will only be able to specify colours by RGB value.
ColourChooser does almost no error checking.
ColourChooser can be slow to load because rgb.txt is large.
1999/01/29 First version.
1999/02/15 Improved handling of initial colour so that it copes better with the variety of valid colour name inputs.
1999/02/17 If a colour is given as lowercase hex it is now properly recognised.
1999/02/23 Should now be Windows compatible.
1999/03/02 Now when you scroll with the scrollbar both the colourname and the colour shown are updated (the same as when you move up and down with the arrow keys).
1999/04/21 Updating the colour when you move the scrollbar with the mouse is buggy -- can't figure out why so have reverted.
1999/08/05 Just changed the files to make them more CPAN friendly.
1999/08/08 Changed licence to LGPL.
1999/08/29 Minor code changes.
Mark Summerfield. I can be contacted as <> - please include the word 'colourchooser' in the subject line.
The code draws from Stephen O. Lidie's work.
Copyright (c) Mark Summerfield 1999. All Rights Reserved.
This module may be used/distributed/modified under the LGPL.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 44:
=over should be: '=over' or '=over positive_number'
- Around line 67:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'