Net::Dropbox - Communicate with local Dropbox daemon
version 1.091510
This module wouldn't exist without the Dropbox community. With the lack of documentation and very confusing and poorly written official libraries, these fine folks did most of my work for me. I think I've read through every piece of code on the wiki ( in my attempt to figure out this protocol.
Particularly, I want to point out Filip Lundborg ( His and files provided much knowledge and helped me more than any other piece of code I ran across. Thanks, Filip. I owe you a beverage of your choice. :)
my $hash_ref = $self->file_status("file name");
Retrieves the status of the provided filename and returns it as a hash reference.
First and only argument is the file name to retrieve status for. This must be a fully formed uri like /home/sungo/Dropbox/test.txt
If the transaction is successful, 'ok' will be set to 1 and 'status' will be a string. 'up to date', 'syncing', and 'unsyncable' are possible values of the string.
If the transaction is unsuccessful, 'ok' will be set to 0 and 'reason' will be set to the error string returned by the server.
my $hash_ref = $self->dir_status("directory name");
Retrieves the status of the provided directory and returns it as a hash reference.
The first and only argument is the directory name to retrieve status for. This must be a fully formed uri like /home/sungo/Dropbox/Dir
If the transaction is successful, 'ok' will be set to 1. 'status' will be a string with the possible values of 'up to date', 'syncing', and 'unsyncable'. 'tag' will be a string with the possible values of 'public', 'shared' and 'photos'. If there is no tags, 'tag' will be an empty string.
If the transaction is unsuccessful, 'ok' will be set to 0 and 'reason' will be set to the error string returned by the server.
sungo <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2009 by Matt Cashner (sungo).
This is free software, licensed under:
The (three-clause) BSD License