Changes for version 2.0.0 - 2009-01-18
- branch support
- to add branch support, the layout of vessel source has changed a bit, but 2.0 can work well with old layout in case you have an old vessel source.
- JEOS build tool to create JEOS images from a vessel
- update cmd now will act as import except with --only-sources
- update cmd can be feeded a new source url
- use version;
- bug fixes
Shipwright documentation
Customize the build method for a distribution
Glossary for Shipwright
introduction to Shipwright
Using Branches
Using Flags
Best Practical Builder
Base Backend Class
File System backend
SVK repository backend
SVN repository backend
builder part
Build the specified project
Create a project
set the default branch for a dist
Delete a dist
Maintain a dist's flags
Show help
import a source and its dependencies
Maintain a dist's known test failure conditions
List dists of a project
Maintain a project
Relocate source of a dist(not cpan)
Rename a dist
Update dist(s) and scripts
source part
base class for source
CPAN source
compressed source
directory source
ftp source
http source
svk source
svn source
shipwright source
useful subs for tests are here
Shipwright's Utility
in lib/Shipwright/