Changes for version 2.3.0 - 2009-07-20

  • add multi-arch dists support
  • add --switch option to tools/shipwright-utility in installed dir
  • add shipwright-filter script to trim the installed dist ( currently it's just --remove-pod )
  • update bin wrapper stuff( not back compatible )
  • support requires_from and test_requires_from of Module::Install
  • tweak git backend stuff, e.g. don't ignore things list in .gitignore


Shipwright documentation
Customize the build method for a distribution
Glossary for Shipwright
Tutorial to Shipwright


Best Practical Builder
Base Backend Class
File System backend
Git repository backend
SVK repository backend
SVN repository backend
Base class and dispatcher for commands
Create a project
Set the default branch for a dist
Maintain a dist's flags
Import sources and their dependencies
Maintain a dist's known test failure conditions
List dists of a project
Maintain a project
Relocate source of a dist(not cpan)
Update dist(s) and scripts
Base class of source
Compressed file source
Shipwright source
Use this to clean @INC
use this to ignore man pages generation