MooX::Role::HasLogger - Moo role that provides a logger attribute


package Foo;

use Moo;
use MooX::TypeTiny;
use namespace::clean;

with qw( MooX::Role::HasLogger );

sub bar {
  my ( $self ) = @_;
  $self->logger->info( 'log something' );



This Moo::Role based role provides a logger attribute to the consuming class. The attribute is read-only and its value is grabbed lazily. The type library MooX::Role::HasLogger::Types exports the Logger type that defines the interface of the attribute. The build_logger() builder method returns a Log::Any logger object with the consuming class as its category.

This example

package Bar;

use Moo;
use MooX::TypeTiny;
use Types::Standard              qw( HasMethods );
use MooX::Role::HasLogger::Types qw( Logger );
use namespace::clean;

with qw( MooX::Role::HasLogger );

has '+logger' => ( isa => ( Logger ) & ( HasMethods [ qw( tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf ) ] ) );

sub build_logger {
  return Log::Any->get_logger( category => ref shift, default_adapter => 'Stderr' );



  • how to override the isa option of the logger attribute using the + notation.

  • how to extend the Logger type using a Type::Tiny intersection. Now a logger has to be an object of a class that implements the Logger type methods and additionally the f suffixed log methods.

  • how to override the build_logger() builder method. This time the builder returns a Log::Any logger object with the consuming class as its category and with a default adapter that refers to the Log::Any::Adapter::Stderr adapter class.



Sven Willenbuecher <>


This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Sven Willenbuecher.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.