Net::OAuth::Yahoo - Provides simple interface to access Yahoo! APIs


Version 0.03


use Net::OAuth::Yahoo;

# Construct hashref of OAuth information
my $args = {
    "consumer_key" => "dj0yJmk9TUhIbnlZa0tYVDAzJmQ9WVdrOWMyMUxNVXBoTjJNbWNHbzlNVGd3TnpjMU5qazJNZy0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD1lNg--",
    "consumer_secret" => "93dfc3e0bbeec0c63b86b6f9f3c55772e4f1fe26",
    "signature_method" => "HMAC-SHA1",
    "nonce" => "random_string",
    "callback" => "oob",

my $oauth = Net::OAuth::Yahoo->new( $args );

# First, obtain the request token
my $request_token = $oauth->get_request_token();

# Second, fetch the OAuth URL to be presented to the user
my $url = $oauth->request_auth( $request_token );

# Third, obtain the OAuth Verifier.  The real way is to present the $url to the end user, have them click on the "Agree" button,
# then obtain the OAuth Verifier.  I wrote a simulator subroutine that does this, provided Yahoo ID and password.
# If you go with the real way, you can skip this step.
my $yid = {
    "login" => login,
    "passwd" => passwd,

my $oauth_verifier = $oauth->sim_present_auth( $url, $yid );

# Using the OAuth Verifier, let's get the token.
my $token = $oauth->get_token( $oauth_verifier );

# Now it's all done, time to access some API!
my $api_url = "";
my $json = $oauth->access_api( $token, $api_url );

The token expires after 1 hour, so you can reuse it until then.  3 methods are provided to facilitate the reuse.

# Save the token in a YAML file.
$oauth->save_token( "filename" );

# Load the token from a YAML file.
my $token = $oauth->load_token( "filename" );

# Test the token against an URL.  Returns 1 if good, 0 otherwise.
my $ret = $oauth->test_token( $token, $url );

Due to the nature of this module, information such as consumer_key, consumer_secret is required.  I have provided
in case the user wants to test the module deeply.  This test script prompts for various Net::OAuth information
as well as Yahoo login / password.

This module returns "undef" if something goes wrong.  Also, an error message is set in $Net::Oauth::Yahoo::ERRMSG.
The user can inspect like so:
my $request_token = $oauth->get_request_token();
print $Net::OAuth::Yahoo::ERRMSG if ( !defined $request_token );



This is the constructor.  Takes a hashref of the following keys, and returns the Net::OAuth::Yahoo object.
my $args = {
    "consumer_key" => "dj0yJmk9TUhIbnlZa0tYVDAzJmQ9WVdrOWMyMUxNVXBoTjJNbWNHbzlNVGd3TnpjMU5qazJNZy0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD1lNg--",
    "consumer_secret" => "93dfc3e0bbeec0c63b86b6f9f3c55772e4f1fe26",
    "signature_method" => "HMAC-SHA1",
    "nonce" => "random_string",
    "callback" => "oob",
my $oauth = Net::OAuth::Yahoo->new( $args );


This method talks to the Yahoo! login server then returns the request_token.  No argument is needed as the object contains
all the information it needs.
my $request_token = $oauth->get_request_token();


Takes the OAuth Verifier (the code that user presents to your webapp) and returns the access token.
my $token = $oauth->get_token( $oauth_verifier );


Takes a token and an URL then makes an API call againt the URL.  Data from Yahoo API is returned verbatim.
This means if you request JSON in the URL, then you'll get JSON back; otherwise XML.  
my $json = $oauth->access_api( $token, $url );


A private method that abstracts Net::OAuth calls.  It is used internally by the object.


A private method that verifies parameters in the constructor.


Takes a request token then returns the URL where the end user needs to access and grant your
webapp to access protected resources.
my $url = $oauth->request_auth( $request_token );


Takes an URL and hashref of Yahoo login / password information, then simulates the end user's action
of granting your webapp to access protected resources.  The method returns the OAuth verifier.
my $yid = {
    login => "some_login",
    passwd => "some_password",

my $oauth_verifier = $oauth->sim_present_auth( $url, $yid );


Takes a filename and dumps the token in YAML format.
$oauth->save_token( $file );


Takes a filename and loads token from the file.  Returns the token object.
my $token = $oauth->load_token( $file );


Takes a token object and URL to try fetching some data.  Returns 1 if success, 0 otherwise.
This method is useful to see if your loaded token has not expired.
my $ret_code = $oauth->test_token( $token );


Simple getter.  Returns object attributes if defined, undef otherwise.
my $token = $oauth->get( "token" );


Satoshi Yagi, <satoshi.yagi at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-oauth-yahoo at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Net::OAuth::Yahoo

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2012 Satoshi Yagi.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.