1.0.0 30.01.2015
make RefCounted a class again.
consider current version a stable release
0.1.9 30.01.2015
Fix working with C++ headers (marco vs functions conflicts) by defining NO_XSLOCKS and PERLIO_NOT_STDIO
before including perl headers. All descendant modules must include <xs/xs.h> instead of XSUB.h, etc by hand.
ppport.h updated
internal tests compilation change
0.1.8 22.01.2015
compiler warnings fix
0.1.7 31.12.2014
added any_payload_attach, any_payload_detach, any_payload_exists, any_payload
change RefCounted from class to struct.
make IO & OIO typemaps better (now support GLOBREFS with IO slot as well)
0.1.6 06.11.2014
added rv_payload_attach, rv_payload_detach, rv_payload_exists, rv_payload
0.1.5 31.10.2014
require perl 5.18.0 (earlier perls dont have required API)
added shared_ptr, Refcounted and docs
added typemaps for panda::shared_ptr and std::shared_ptr + tests
refactored all typemaps
0.1.4 10.10.2014
added hv_fetchhek, hv_storehek, hv_deletehek
0.1.3 10.10.2014
allow only RV to undef for obj2hv/obj2av, as perls < 5.20 don't allow to upgrade strings
0.1.2 09.10.2014
added support for HV* CLASS in object constructors (output typemaps)
0.1.1 08.10.2014
docs fixes
0.1.0 04.10.2014
first release