strut - command line interface (using Socialtext::Resting) to the Socialtext REST services


strut help

strut configure

strut list_workspaces
strut list_pages <workspace>

strut get_page <workspace> <pagename>
strut set_page <workspace> <pagename> <filename>

strut get_tags <workspace> <pagename>
strut set_tags <workspace> <pagename>

strut add_attachment <workspace> <pagename> <filename>

All list operations can further be controlled with the following operations:
--query (search term for within the results)
--filter (filter the titles of the results)
--order (only accepts 'newest' right now)
--count (restrict number of returned results)
--accept (for your accept headers - text/html, text/plain, application/json)

  strut --query=searchterm --filter=titlefilter --order=newest --count=number list_pages myworkspace 


The following commands are supported


Standard man page for this program


Configure strut with username, password, and server information. See the CONFIGURATION section below for a discussion of your configuration options.


Give a list of all workspaces on the server

list_pages <workspace>

Give a list of all pages in the given workspace. If no workspace is given you will be prompted to pick from available workspaces.

get_page <workspace> <page_name>

Retrieve the contents of the specified page. If no workspace or page are given the user will be prompted to select from the available workspaces/pages.

set_page <workspace> <page_name> <filename>

Save the specified page on the system.

add_attachment <workspace> <page_name> <filename>

Add the attachment to the specifed page on the system.

list_tags <workspace> <page_name>

List all tags on the specified page.

set_tags <workspace> <page_name> <tags>

Set the tags for the specified page name.


In order to run correctly, strut needs to have a username, password, and server name. This can be configured in one of several ways:

Command line:

strut --username <username> --password <password> --server <server>

Environment variables:


Configuration file:


If strut can't determine your username/password/server, it will call the 'configure' subcommand to create a configuration file for you.

