Changes for version 0.003
- bump dep on Moo to 1st release that allowed non-ref default values
- add response tests
- bump dep on Test::More to 0.94 since we use subtest
Giropay payments API
payment notification object
check whether bank with bic in is valid.
returns a list containing all banks.
transaction data of past transactions
start payment transaction request
response object for Business::Giropay::Request::Bankstatus
response object for Business::Giropay::Request::Issuer
response object for Business::Giropay::Request::Status
response object for Business::Giropay::Request::Transaction
common attributes consumed by several classes and roles
'network' role consumed by Core, Request and Response roles
Moo::Role consumed by all Request classes
Moo::Role consumed by all Response classes
type library using Type::Tiny