Padre - Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment


Padre is a text editor aimed to be an IDE for Perl.

You should be able to just type in


and get the editor working.

While I am using this editor myself there are still lots of missing features so I would consider this application to be in pre-alpha state.

I do so mainly becasue everything is in a constant flux. Menus, shortcuts and the way they work will change from version to version.

You should also know that I am mostly working on Linux and I have been using vi for many years now. This means that I am not that familiar with the expectations of people using Windows.


The application maintains its configuration information in a directory called .padre

On Strawberry Perl you can associate .pl file extension with c:\strawberry\perl\bin\wxperl and then you can start double clicking on the application. It should work.

Run This (F5) - run the current buffer with the current perl
this currently only works with files with .pl  extensions.

Run Any (Ctr-F5) - run any external application
First time it will prompt you to a command line that you have to type in such as

perl /full/path/to/my/

then it will execute this every time you press Ctrl-F5 or the menu option. Currently Ctrl-F5 does not save any file. (This will be added later.)

You can edit the command line using the Run/Setup menu item.

Ctr-B          matching brace
Alt-N          Nth Pane
Ctr-TAB        Next Pane
Ctr-Shift-TAB  Previous Pane

Ctr-1 .. Ctrl-9 can set markers
Ctr-Shift-1 .. Ctrl-Shift-9 jump to marker

Ctr-M Ctr-Shift-M  comment/uncomment selected lines of code

Ctr-H opens a help window where you can see the documentation of 
any perl module. Just use open (in the help window) and type in the name
of a module.

Ctr-Shift-H Highlight the name of a module in the editor and then 
press Ctr-Shift-H. IT will open the help window for the module 
whose name was highlighted.

In the help window you can also start typing the name of a module. When the
list of the matching possible modules is small enough you'll be able
to open the drop-down list and select the name.
The "small enough" is controled by two configuration options in the 
Edit/Setup menu:

Max Number of modules
Min Number of modules

This feature only works after you have indexed all the modules 
on your computer. Indexing is currently done by running the following command:

padre --index

Command line options

--index   will go over the @INC and list all the available modules in the database

a list of filenames can be given to be opened


There is a highly experimental but quit simple plugin system.

A plugin is a module in the Padre::Plugin::* namespace.

At startup time Padre looks for all such modules in @INC and loads them. Every plugin must have a menu method that returns its menu items which is a list of lists:

  [ Name_1, \&callback_1 ],
  [ Name_2, \&callback_2 ],

Padre will add a menu entry for every plugin under the Plugins menu item. For each plugin menu item it will add all the Name_1, Name_2 subitems.


For now any bug report, please send directly to Gabor Szabo <>


Send your wish list to Gabor Szabo <>


In "open file" show filenames without extension as well.

Add unit tests that launch the GUI and generate events.

Run an application from within the editor:
Default: If the files is .pl save automatically and run it with
   the current perl.
Any other file, don't run for now, just display a message.
When running a script disable the Run menu and show a stop menu point.
  (try with a sleeping process)
Make sure both STDOUT and STDERR are displayed along with all of their newlines.
Allow for STDIN to be redirected to the external process.

Always save full path in opened-files history.
I think the relative pathes were saved when opening files on the
command line.

Fix the remaining short-cut key that don't work on Windows (F3)

Tool for refactoring code: 
locate and replace all occurances of a method name within a project.

When opening a new file if there is an empty unsaved file then replace it.
Maybe this should only work on the first such buffer?

Run an application from within the editor:
Simple running works but there are several options here

- When developing a script we would like to
  run the current file (the one we currently watch) with some predefined options
  we should save these options before runs
- When developing a larger application with several modules and a script we
  would like to run a predefined script with some predefind options
- Both of the above should be either directly or using a debugger
- STDERR and STDOUT should be captured - for simple command line script we might
  want to have a full command line emulation?
- For now we can focus on GUI applications (e.g. written in Wx) where
  the important part is the STDERR and the debugger.
- Run the unit tests assuming Makefile.PL or Build.PL

Deal with "resource installation". That is probably talk to
Module::Build, Debian and Fedora people to make it easy to install resource files
such as xpm or po files. See File::ShareDir.

Project Management:
use PerlySense  ?

We need to assume that the current working directory of the editor can be anywhere.
For Perl project management we will assume a directory layout similar to what we have
in most CPAN distributions. That is

lib/    holding the modules
bin/    holding the executable scripts
t/      holding the test files

There should be a Makefile.PL or a Build.PL
Select a project is basically select a directory.
It will try to guess the prefered installation system Build.PL or Makefile.PL
Then one should have all the standard steps ready in the menu
    Project Build.PL, Build, Build test, Build testcover, Build dist Build testdist

Create a new project will create the directory and the standard files
Select a project == select a directory assuming the files are already there
Select a project that was already selected once

  Later we can integrate with various version control system so a new project might start by 
  pointing to the repository (e.g. svn repo) and checking it out to some local place etc...

How to keep the path of projects on a stick?
Their path can be different in different machines.

Debugger from within the editor

TAB jump N spaces, clever TAB (real tab in the beginning, spaces after???)

Mark the buffer that is unsaved with a star.

Add remote editing capability via ftp and ssh.

Define API to add more menu options and plugins

Plugin idea:
Based on file type (extension) have a pre-save hook that will include
a timestamp in the saved file. E.g. our $TIMESTAMP = DDDDDDDDDD;
where DDDDD is the result of time()
It could be also a DD.DD.DD number that is automatically increased on every save.
With both the main issue is that it is not working if someone 
uses a different editor.

When closing the application and there are still unsaved buffers provide better options:
Show the list of the unsaved buffers and the following buttons:
  Close without saving
  Cancel  (which will stop the closing)
  Save  (save those that have filenames, provide save-as option to those that have no filenames)
  Maybe provide a window with checkboxes for each unsaved buffer so the user can select which one
  s/he wants to save and which one not.

Mark a section and comment out all of them at the same time - or remove the # from the beginning
of all the lines at once. This works with #, make this work with other comment characters for
other languages.

Keep the size of the output window,
Move between the editor and the output window with some hot-key


Enabled indexing from widthin application or run the indexer when installing
the application?

If a file exists but no pod in there, don't show just a white page.

When displaying pod allow for clicking on names of other modules to be displayed.

Indexing the words of all the pod files? (Search engine?)
Indexing the function names only?

Learning WxWidgets of Mattia Barbon by Jouke Visser

Documentation of Wx::StyledTextCtrl is here:

stock items in wx: by boo_radley

Code layout:

Padre is the main module that reads/writes the configuration files There is an SQLite database and a yml file to keep various pices of information The SQLite database holds the list of modules available on the system. It will also contain indexing of the documentation Looking at the entries of modules List of functions

The yml file contains individual configuration options

Padre::App is the Wx::App subclass

Padre::Frame is the main frame, most of the code is currently there.

Padre::Panel holds an editor window instance (one for each buffer)

Padre::Pod::* are there to index and show documentation written in pod.


I hope the will be ready to take upon themself supporting this application.


(c) 2008 Gabor Szabo


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.


There is no warranty whatsoever. If you lose data or your hair because of this program, that's your problem.


To Mattia Barbon for providing WxPerl. Part of the code was copied from his Wx::Demo application.

To Herbert Breunung for leting me work on Kephra.

To Octavian Rasnita for early testing and bug reports.