Padre::Plugin::Vi - vi keyboard for Padre


Once installed and enabled the user is in full vi-emulation mode, which was partially implemented.

The 3 basic modes of vi are in development:

When you turn on vi-mode, or load Padre with vi-mode already enabled you reach the normal navigation mode of vi.

In general the following are implemented:

  • in naviation mode catch 'a' and move to insert mode

  • in insert mode catch ESC and move to navigation mode

  • in navigation mode catch 'd' character and delete the current charcter

  • in navigation mode catch '3d' and delete 3 characters

  • in navigation mode catch ':' and open the command line

  • menu option to swicth back and force vi-mode

Othere keys that are supported p paste below P paste above

We don't plan to impelement many of the configuration options of vi. Even parts that are going to be implemented will not use the same method of configuration.

That said, we are planning to add looking for vi configuration options in the source file so the editor can set its own configuration based on the vi configuration options.


vi mode

- change the cursor for navigation mode and back to insert mode

- integrate command line pop-up move it to the bottom of the window make it come up faster (show/hide instead of create/destroy?) (maybe actually we should have it integrated it into the main GUI and add it as another window under or above the output window?)

fix i, :q to exit yy - should not mark the text that is yanked or should remove the selection v to start marking section / and search connect it to the new (and yet experimental search)

:d$ :dw

if ($buffer =~ /^(\d*)([lkjhxaiup])$/ or $buffer =~ /^(\d*)(d[dw])$/ or $buffer =~ /^(\d*)(y[yw])$/) { process($1, $2); }

:ZZ :q! :e! :ls and :b2 to switch buffer