0.61 2009.12.10
Replaced debug called with new TRACE() call
0.60 2009.9.18
Depends now on Net::HTTP, HTTP::Status and Archive::Zip
Depends on S:H:P6 v0.74 for the latest STD
First attempt at upgrading Six distribution on win32 via the web
"Update Six" is now in the maintenance menu above "Cleanup std lex cache"
When "update six" is selected, a dialog is shown and when a release is selected,
it is downloaded & then unzipped in c:\strawberry. This is at
the moment a win32-only functionality.
The Six updater is a background task that downloads six distros, backups
up old six and unzips the new downloaded six and it outputs its
progress meanwhile to the output panel
The Six updater dialog features a new cool camelia-enabled look and a
"View Release Notes" button
0.59 2009.9.8
Find perl6.exe in PDX and later Six releases and stay compatible with 0.41
print -> Padre::Util::debug
0.58 2009.8.24
Updated translations:
French (jquelin++)
German (Sewi++)
Integrated with Padre's 0.44 Quick Fix Helper
Integrated with Padre's 0.44 Help Provider
Reverting back to _sharedir until we get the Module::Build gets a sharedir property
STD.pm error prefix was recently switched from ### PARSE FAILED ### to ===SORRY!===
Prevent STD from inserting that block unicode character into error messages. $PERL6HERE
Removed "Perl 6 Executable" until rakudo actually supports it again
Depends on Syntax:Highlight:Perl6 0.72
Depends on Perl6::Doc 0.45
Added perlobjintro and perlreintro that Perl6::Doc 0.45 now supports
0.57 2009.8.17
Depends on Padre 0.43 to make use of plugin_directory_share
Depends on S:H:P6 0.71 and App::Grok 0.19
Perl 6 Help dialog is moved to Padre core as "Help Search"
Create Perl 6 menu is working again. (szabgab)
Reuse Padre::Wx::Main help method (szabgab)
Updated translations:
German translation update (Sewi++)
French translation (jquelin++)
dutch translation (ddn123456++)
Renamed to the new Padre 0.43 PO naming scheme
use the new Padre::Perl API for finding perl5 (szabgab)
safety crash hiding (szabgab)
double quote temporary directory
0.56 2009.7.28
- Updated Translations:
Brazilian portuguese (garu++)
Japanese (ishigaki++)
- Camelia icon on all dialogs.
- use Padre::Constant::WIN32 in all locations.
- IRC Live support menu items are simpler.
- Added an easy-to-use menu option to access perlintro and perlsyn directly (Hinrik++).
- Depends on App::Grok 0.17 for more bug fixes/enhancements..
0.55 2009.7.25
- This is a bugfix release for Padre's Birthday Six Release.
- Removed commented highlighter, and tidied the files using Padre's
- Fixed missing use (szabgab++).
- Grok target location is now shown in the dialog's title.
- Fixed the environment detection code, disable Perl 6 Executable menu
entry if there's no parrot.exe (adamk++).
- Depends on App::Grok 0.14 for less dependencies.
- Find the path to hard perl6.exe hard coded in strawberry six (szabgab++).
- return the path to the perl6 executable if it exists (szabgab++).
0.54 2009.7.24
- Depends on S:H:P6 version 0.65 to fix ticket:461 "Syntax check hanging
with perl6 infix & regex"
- Depends on Padre 0.41. Please upgrade it or otherwise it will not work.
- Allow the use of the new syntax highlighter configuration of Padre 0.41 (szabgab++)
- Move the Parrot based syntax highlighting to the Parrot plugin (szabgab++)
- F2 now works on select text - if there is any (szabgab++)
- Updated translations:
- Dutch (ddn123456++)
- French (jquelin++)
- move the text_with_on_nl method from the Perl 6 document to the Padre::Document
- Remove obsolete colorizer selection list. It is now handled by Padre.
- Updated dutch translation.
0.53 2009.7.18
- Moved Rakudo Perl 6 functionality into a separate menu.
- Fixed ticket:457 "Store Perl 6 temporary folders in a persistent
temporary directory"
- Cleanup STD lex cache now works with ticket:457
- Updated Arabic translation.
0.52 2009.7.18
- Removed parse_perl6_table_index.pl & perl6_table_index.pod since this is
grok's territory now...
- Fixed a couple of Perl6->Perl 6 typos, and added some missing POD.
- Unified copyright on all files.
- Added 03-copyright.t to author-only test for copyright.
- Moved Cleanup STD Lex Cache into "Maintenance" sub menu/
- #padre, #perl6 and perl6-projects.org are now accessible via the "More Help?" menu
- Added a TM to Larry Wall's Camelia icon.
- Depends on Perl6::Refactor.
- Initial stub implementation of refactoring tools menu with a coming-soon message
box to Perl 6 refactoring support.
- Don't hold the editor and document objects in the task as they might be gone
by the time the background process finished (see bug #445 and #299)
0.51 2009.7.16
- Exact case-insensitive matches are always displayed first in Perl 6 Help results.
- Depends on lucky grok 0.13 which knows about Perl 6 tablets.
- No need to extend grok with Perl 6 tablets anymore; grok 0.13 knows about it now.
- Updated translations:
Brazilian portuguese (garu++)
0.50 2009.7.10
- Wrote a script to read http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl6/index.cgi?perl_table_index
and write a POD named perl6_table_index.pod. Thanks to Herbert Breunung and
Martin Berends.
- Extended Grok in an unofficial way to support perl6_table_index.pod and thus
we now have more Perl 6 keywords/builtin and operator documentation.
- use only one grok instance per dialog lifetime
- Help topics can now be anything that is not whitespace which means Perl 6
operators, keywords and built-ins are now supported.
- Removed obsolete keywords support. Perl 6 Help now will take its place.
- require Locale::Msgfmt 0.14
- Converted EOL to Unix for some template files
- Updated translations:
Dutch (ddn123456++)
French (jquelin++)
0.49 2009.7.6
- Two more helper quick fixes using App::Grok :
Convert POD 6 into HTML
Convert POD 6 into Text
- Implemented Perl 6 Help free-text search that is powered by App::Grok topics
with an HTML Auto Preview pane :)
- Bye bye S29-functions.pod. That's App::Grok's domain now.
- Updated the lovely About box with more useful information
- Updated Translations:
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Arabic
0.48 2009.6.29
- Only require Locale::Msgfmt when building the .mo files (RSN)
0.47 2009.6.27
- Updated Arabic translation.
- Depends on Locale::Msgfmt to build the .mo files at install time (RSN, Ryan52++)
- Depends on S:H:P6 0.64 which allows whitespacey forms on rand(N) and .[-1] checkers.
0.46 2009.6.24
- More source documentation on quick fixes.
- No more insertion of text; just current line string replacement.
- Comment error line' is more accurate.
- Fixed a possible point of failure.
- Respect document newline and user's indentation.
- Comment error line quick fix is always the last one if an error occurs is
on the current line
- Finally implemented 'Surround with try { ... }' quick fix. Perl 6
exception handling with indentation.
- use a # and a space to toggle comments to avoid '#(' parametric comments
0.45 2009.6.23
- Fixed Inlined P6 template to be recognized as Perl 5.
- Added "New Perl 6 Script" for consistency.
- No more string interpolation (just in case) in quick fix messages.
- Quick fix messages are more user friendly.
- Error/warnings messages are now trimmed before testing for possible fixes.
- Implemented the following quick fixes:
- Use $! instead of $@ for eval errors
- Use +> for numeric right shift
- Use ~> for string right shift
- Use +< for numeric left shift
- Use ~< for string left shift
- Use !~~ instead of !~ for negated pattern matching.
- Use ~~ instead of =~
- Use ~= instead of .=.
- Use ?? !! instead of ? :.
- Use ?? (...) !! instead" to fix precedence errors.
- Use !! instead of ::" in Perl 6 ternary ?? operator
- Use [N..*] for indefinite range
- Use (1..N).pick instead of rand(N)
- Use N.pick instead of rand(N)
- Use [*-1] instead of [-1]
- Use loop (;;) instead of for (;;)
- "Comment error line" now adds a # and then a space to handle conflict with Perl 6 embedded comments
- More case insensitive error matching
- "Comment error line" quick fix is always shown when there is an issue on the current line
- Removed unneeded \-escaping from s//replacement/ from some of the quick fixes
- Depends on S:H:P6 0.63 which fixes undeclared Bar for 'module Foo::Bar { }; module Bar { };'
0.44 2009.6.21
- A Perl 6 document supports both Ecliptic's event_on_quick_fix and Padre's
right click menu
- Implemented quick fixes for the following STD warnings/errors:
- Undeclared routine and keywords: foo() or if()
- Variable is not predeclared
- Use ~ instead of . for string concatenation
- use of C++ constructor syntax
- Use . instead of -> for method call
- Implemented Comment error line quick fix
- Fixed highlighting to work over multiple Perl 6 document tabs
0.43 2009.6.20
- Cleaned up Perl 6 menu to be more elegant.
- Added Create Perl 6 class/grammar/..etc menu
- Added the concept of export/generate sub menu.
- Refactored preferences dialog:
- Removed unwanted stuff
- Enabled localization
- 'Enable coloring' is now in preferences and it is enabled by default.
- Depends on S:H:P6 0.62 which fixes the undefined return value from
STD->parse(\s*) bug
- Fixed ticket:393 - Perl 6: switching to Parrot based highlighting does
not work
- Refactored colorizer task into separate PGE and STD tasks.
- Handle STD's undeclared rountine(s) warning more properly.
- Implemented the creation of the Perl 6 template files by borrowing code
from Padre :)
- Added a bigger Perl 6 Camelia icon in the about box.
- No more manual syntax highlighting menu item.
- Handled no document situation in a couple of actions.
- Remove building of .mo files as it is now managed by szabgab++ release.pl
- Fixed S29-functions.pod bad location
- Fixed "Generate PIR" dying when rakudo does not parse the Perl 6 file.
0.42 2009.6.18
- Fixed "p6tokens.pl was not being copied" by renaming it to p6tokens.p5
- Depends on S:H:P6 0.61 which fixes ticket:392 undeclared prompt()
- Updated to version 43 of S29-functions.pod (30-May-2009)
- Major refactoring to stop polluting Padre::Document and Padre::Task
- STD error/warning parsing is now case insensitive. and added support
for "Undeclared routine" warning.
- STD lex corruption message was misleading and not localized. This usually
happens when you upgrade Syntax::Highlight::Perl6.
- Decreased wait time before starting another colorizing task to 100 ms
instead 1 sec.
- A couple of various refactorings:
- _T -> Wx::gettext.
- use -> require to improve startup speed.
0.41 2009.5.30
- Added Spanish translation (BRUNOV)
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation (GARU)
- Added Camelia plugin icon.
- Unified usage of PADRE_PLUGIN_PERL6 for author-only stuff across
Build.PL and tests.
- Added "Generate Perl6 EXEcutable" feature.
- Added "Generate Perl6 PIR" feature.
- Fixed name typos "Perl6" is "Perl 6" (Moritz Lenz)++
- Added missing dependency to Class::XSAccessor
- Switch over to the new constant package for the colour constants
- Updated the Padre::Plugin dependency to Padre 0.36
0.40 2009.5.23
- Now uses Module::Build instead of Module::Install (Thanks for jquelin for the idea)
- Added author tests for compilation and pod correctness that can be enabled by
PADRE_PLUGIN_PERL6 environment variable.
- Changes is now POD instead of plain text.
- Depends on S:H:P6 0.57 which contains Two important fixes.
- Added localization via Wx::gettext and started a sample Arabic translation.
- Added French translation (jquelin).
- Added Polish translation (therek).
- Added Chinese (Traditional) translation (BLUET).
0.39 2009.5.9
- Added support for slang and knowhow package declarators in outline view.
- F6->F7 refresh coloring since F6 is used by Padre
- Depends on S:H:P6 0.54 which contains the latest STD with the new slang package declarator keyword.
- Fixed a bug where File::Which::where should be used in a scalar context and caused export html feature to fail sometimes.
0.38 2009.5.7
- Fixed ticket:234 - improve the automatic syntax highlighting of Perl6
- Depends on S:H:P6 0.53 which has a better STD error message for 'for lines {...}'
0.37 2009.5.6
- Issue an error in the syntax check window if the STD lex cache is corrupted
- Depends on S:H:P6 0.52 which contains the tmp_prefix fix
and the latest STD and has less depdendencies
- Added a preview preferences UI dialog which is not finished btw :)
0.36 2009.5.5
- Depends on S:H:P6 0.50 which contains the latest STD.pm parser.
- Fixed ticket:302 perl6 syntax highlighting and outline not active on vista using wperl.exe
- Identify Perl6 .HOW / ^ class methods in outline view...
0.35 2009.4.30
- Depends on S:H:P6 0.48 which contains latest STD that warns about redeclared types.
- Update syntax and outline windows when syntax highlighting finishes.
0.34 2009.4.26
- Supports private methods in Outline view
- Supports attributes in Outline view
0.33 2009.4.25
- Displays STD.pm and November fully in Outline view
- Updated to the latest S29-functions.pod
- Perl 6 Plugin depends now on Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 v0.45 which fixes an
can parse STD.pm again without any warnings.
- A new symbol table method is used in outline view since
Perl 6 identifiers/expressions can be multi-token like
set-cache-entry (5 tokens)
0.32 2009.4.24
- Parent nodes have their type between brackets next to their name
- use/require-s are now in Modules node.
- For P6 code the default package is GLOBAL.
0.31 2009.4.24
- Outline view now handles subroutines, methods, submethods, macros,
regexes, tokens and rules.
0.30 2009.4.24
- Fixed a missing Outline.pm in MANIFEST
0.29 2009.4.24
- Initial Working Perl 6 Outline view
- Depends on Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 0.043 which has line number information
0.28 2009.4.20
- Depends on Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 0.041 which has the newest STD with CORE.pad
0.27 2009.4.19
- update the path to reach the perl 6 executable
- Changed version numbers so all the modules will have the same number.
0.026 2009.2.04
- Takes advantage of STD.pm performance improvements by using Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 0.040
- Updated to S29-function.pod pugs r25021
- Works with Padre 0.26
0.025 2009.1.8
- Depends on Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 0.030 which fixes hilitep6 binmode STDIN issue for utf8
- Limit number of S29 function calltip text to the first 10 lines.
- Remove ANSI color escape sequences from STD.pm warnings/errors.
- Fix S29-function.pod parsing case sensitivity bug on *nix platforms.
- Fix STD.pm highlighting to actually work. ;-)
- STD.pm errors/warnings are shown on console.
0.024 2009.1.7
- Fix run rakudo script on win32
- STD.pm is now syntax highlighted correctly since we use IPC::Run3 binmode utf8
- Replaced IPC::Run 0.82 with the improved IPC::Run3 0.42
- Revised menu structure
- Updated to S29-Function.pod revision 24793 to fix some common function docs like say, print ..etc
0.023 2009.1.6
- Added the lex cache directory cleanup option
0.022 2009.1.5
- Added S29 function documentation calltips
- F2 now launches the S29 documentation in your default browser
- requires Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 0.0297
- requires Padre 0.24
0.021 2009.1.5
- S29 function documentation when you hit F2 over a function (or a word)
0.020 2009.1.4
- Fixed plugin to work with AdamK's r2436 refactoring.
0.019 2009.1.3
- Implemented manual refresh and selective of Perl 6 syntax highlighter.
0.018 2009.1.3
- Fixed missing dependency on IPC::Run
- Added tests
0.017 2009.1.3
- Fixed syntax check to work again with Padre-Plugin-Perl6
- More stable, one thread solution to ticket:194.
0.016 2009.1.3
- Possible fix to trac ticket:194, Slow Perl6 syntax highlighting
0.015 2009.1.1
- differentiate between STD warnings and errors in syntax check (ticket:193)
- Requires S::H::P6 version 0.02962 to fix Class:MOP/Moose win32
installation failures.
0.014 2008.12.28
- export html now asks the user if he/she wants to open the HTML in the default browser
- Requires Syntax::Highlight::Perl6 version 0.02961
0.013 2008.12.24
- Added a menu separator before About menu item in Padre::Plugin::Perl6
- Another message typo fix in Padre::Document::Perl6
- Show an error message box in the following situations:
- exporting a non-Perl6 file
- STD.pm parsing error occurs
0.012 2008.12.22
- Added Perl6 Syntax checking.
- Handled newlines for Mac/Unix and Win platforms in export feature.
- Added Export simple, snippet and full HTML.
0.011 2008.12.21
- Source cleanup and POD fixes.
0.01 2008.12.20
- Initial release to CPAN
- Support keyword scintilla auto completion
- Supports Perl6 highlighting via Syntax::Highlight::Perl6
- Moving out from the Padre source code