HTML::Element::Library - HTML::Element convenience functions


use HTML::Element::Library;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;


This method provides API calls for common actions on trees when using HTML::Tree.


The test suite contains examples of each of these methods in a file t/$method.t

Positional Querying Methods


Return a list of all nodes under the same parent.


Return the index of $elem into the array of siblings of which it is a part. HTML::ElementSuper calls this method addr but I don't think that is a descriptive name. And such naming is deceptively close to the address function of HTML::Element. HOWEVER, in the interest of backwards compatibility, both methods are available.


Same as sibdex


Returns the coordinates of this element in the tree it inhabits. This is accomplished by succesively calling addr() on ancestor elements until either a) an element that does not support these methods is found, or b) there are no more parents. The resulting list is the n-dimensional coordinates of the element in the tree.

Element Decoration Methods


In HTML::Element, Sean Burke discusses super-literals. They are text which does not get escaped. Great for includng Javascript in HTML. Also great for including foreign language into a document.

So, you basically toss super_literal your text and back comes your text wrapped in a ~literal element.

One of these days, I'll around to writing a nice EXPORT section.

Tree Rewriting Methods


Replaces all of $elem's content with @new_elem.


Wraps the existing content in the provided element. If the provided element happens to be a non-element, a push_content is performed instead.

$elem->set_child_content(@look_down, $content)

This method looks down $tree using the criteria specified in @look_down using the the HTML::Element look_down() method.

After finding the node, it detaches the node's content and pushes $content as the node's content.

$tree->content_handler($sid_value , $content)

This is a convenience method. Because the look_down criteria will often simply be:

id => 'fixme'

to find things like:

<a id=fixme href=>replace_content</a>

You can call this method to shorten your typing a bit. You can simply type

$elem->content_handler( fixme => 'new text' )

Instead of typing:

$elem->set_child_content(sid => 'fixme', 'new text') 

$tree->highlander($subtree_span_id, $conditionals, @conditionals_args)

This allows for "if-then-else" style processing. Highlander was a movie in which only one would survive. Well, in terms of a tree when looking at a structure that you want to process in if-then-else style, only one child will survive. For example, given this HTML template:

<span klass="highlander" id="age_dialog"> 
   <span id="under10"> 
      Hello, does your mother know you're  
      using her AOL account? 
   <span id="under18"> 
      Sorry, you're not old enough to enter  
      (and too dumb to lie about your age) 
   <span id="welcome"> 

We only want one child of the span tag with id age_dialog to remain based on the age of the person visiting the page.

So, let's setup a call that will prune the subtree as a function of age:

sub process_page {
 my $age = shift;
 my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_file('t/html/highlander.html');

   (age_dialog =>
     under10 => sub { $_[0] < 10} , 
     under18 => sub { $_[0] < 18} ,
     welcome => sub { 1 }

And there we have it. If the age is less than 10, then the node with id under10 remains. For age less than 18, the node with id under18 remains. Otherwise our "else" condition fires and the child with id welcome remains.

$tree->highlander2($tree, $conditionals, @conditionals_args)

Right around the same time that table2() came into being, Seamstress began to tackle tougher and tougher processing problems. It became clear that a more powerful highlander was needed... one that not only snipped the tree of the nodes that should not survive, but one that allows for post-processing of the survivor node. And one that was more flexible with how to find the nodes to snip.

Thus (drum roll) highlander2().

So let's look at our HTML which requires post-selection processing:

<span klass="highlander" id="age_dialog">
   <span id="under10">
      Hello, little <span id=age>AGE</span>-year old,
   does your mother know you're using her AOL account?
   <span id="under18">
      Sorry, you're only <span id=age>AGE</span>
      (and too dumb to lie about your age)
   <span id="welcome">
      Welcome, isn't it good to be <span id=age>AGE</span> years old?

In this case, a branch survives, but it has dummy data in it. We must take the surviving segment of HTML and rewrite the age span with the age. Here is how we use highlander2() to do so:

 sub replace_age { 
  my $branch = shift;
  my $age = shift;
  $branch->look_down(id => 'age')->replace_content($age);

 my $if_then = $tree->look_down(id => 'age_dialog');

    cond => [
      under10 => [
	sub { $_[0] < 10} , 
      under18 => [
	sub { $_[0] < 18} ,
      welcome => [
	sub { 1 },
    cond_arg => [ $age ]

We pass it the tree ($if_then), an arrayref of conditions (cond) and an arrayref of arguments which are passed to the conds and to the replacement subs.

The under10, under18 and welcome are id attributes in the tree of the siblings of which only one will survive. However, should you need to do more complex look-downs to find the survivor, then supply an array ref instead of a simple scalar:

    cond => [
      [class => 'r12'] => [
	sub { $_[0] < 10} , 
      [class => 'z22'] => [
	sub { $_[0] < 18} ,
      [class => 'w88'] => [
	sub { 1 },
    cond_arg => [ $age ]

$tree->overwrite_attr($mutation_attr => $mutating_closures)

This method is designed for taking a tree and reworking a set of nodes in a stereotyped fashion. For instance let's say you have 3 remote image archives, but you don't want to put long URLs in your img src tags for reasons of abstraction, re-use and brevity. So instead you do this:

<img src="/img/smiley-face.jpg" fixup="src lnc">
<img src="/img/hot-babe.jpg"    fixup="src playboy">
<img src="/img/footer.jpg"      fixup="src foobar">

and then when the tree of HTML is being processed, you make this call:

my %closures = (
   lnc     => sub { my ($tree, $mute_node, $attr_value)= @_; "$attr_value" },
   playboy => sub { my ($tree, $mute_node, $attr_value)= @_; "$attr_value" }
   foobar  => sub { my ($tree, $mute_node, $attr_value)= @_; "$attr_value" }

$tree->overwrite_attr(fixup => \%closures) ;

and the tags come out modified like so:

<img src="" fixup="src lnc">
<img src=""    fixup="src playboy">
<img src=""      fixup="src foobar">

$tree->mute_elem($mutation_attr => $mutating_closures, [ $post_hook ] )

This is a generalization of overwrite_attr. overwrite_attr assumes the return value of the closure is supposed overwrite an attribute value and does it for you. mute_elem is a more general function which does nothing but hand the closure the element and let it mutate it as it jolly well pleases :)

In fact, here is the implementation of overwrite_attr to give you a taste of how mute_attr is used:

sub overwrite_action {
  my ($mute_node, %X) = @_;

  $mute_node->attr($X{local_attr}{name} => $X{local_attr}{value}{new});

sub HTML::Element::overwrite_attr {
  my $tree = shift;
  $tree->mute_elem(@_, \&overwrite_action);

Tree-Building Methods: Unrolling an array via a single sample element

This is best described by example. Given this HTML:

<strong>Here are the things I need from the store:</strong>
  <li class="store_items">Sample item</li>

We can unroll it like so:

my $li = $tree->look_down(class => 'store_items');

my @items = qw(bread butter vodka);

$tree->iter($li => @items);

To produce this:

 <body>Here are the things I need from the store:
     <li class="store_items">bread</li>
     <li class="store_items">butter</li>
     <li class="store_items">vodka</li>

Tree-Building Methods: Unrolling an array via n sample elements

iter() was fine for awhile, but some things (e.g. definition lists) need a more general function to make them easy to do. Hence iter2(). This function will be explained by example of unrolling a simple definition list.

So here's our mock-up HTML from the designer:

 <dl class="dual_iter" id="service_plan">
	A person who draws blood.

	A clone of Iggy Pop.

	A relative of Edgar Allan Poe.

      <dt class="adstyle">sample header</dt>
      <dd class="adstyle2">sample data</dd>


And we want to unroll our data set:

my @items = (
 ['the pros'   => 'never have to worry about service again'],
 ['the cons'   => 'upfront extra charge on purchase'],
 ['our choice' => 'go with the extended service plan']

Now, let's make this problem a bit harder to show off the power of iter2(). Let's assume that we want only the last <dt> and it's accompanying <dd> (the one with "sample data") to be used as the sample data for unrolling with our data set. Let's further assume that we want them to remain in the final output.

So now, the API to iter2() will be discussed and we will explain how our goal of getting our data into HTML fits into the API.

  • wrapper_ld

    This is how to look down and find the container of all the elements we will be unrolling. The <dl> tag is the container for the dt and dd tags we will be unrolling.

    If you pass an anonymous subroutine, then it is presumed that execution of this subroutine will return the HTML::Element representing the container tag. If you pass an array ref, then this will be dereferenced and passed to HTML::Element::look_down().

    default value: ['_tag' => 'dl']

    Based on the mock HTML above, this default is fine for finding our container tag. So let's move on.

  • wrapper_data

    This is an array reference of data that we will be putting into the container. You must supply this. @items above is our wrapper_data.

  • wrapper_proc

    After we find the container via wrapper_ld, we may want to pre-process some aspect of this tree. In our case the first two sets of dt and dd need to be removed, leaving the last dt and dd. So, we supply a wrapper_proc which will do this.

    default: undef

  • item_ld

    This anonymous subroutine returns an array ref of HTML::Elements that will be cloned and populated with item data (item data is a "row" of wrapper_data).

    default: returns an arrayref consisting of the dt and dd element inside the container.

  • item_data

    This is a subroutine that takes wrapper_data and retrieves one "row" to be "pasted" into the array ref of HTML::Elements found via item_ld. I hope that makes sense.

    default: shifts wrapper_data.

  • item_proc

    This is a subroutine that takes the item_data and the HTML::Elements found via item_ld and produces an arrayref of HTML::Elements which will eventually be spliced into the container.

    Note that this subroutine MUST return the new items. This is done So that more items than were passed in can be returned. This is useful when, for example, you must return 2 dts for an input data item. And when would you do this? When a single term has multiple spellings for instance.

    default: expects item_data to be an arrayref of two elements and item_elems to be an arrayref of two HTML::Elements. It replaces the content of the HTML::Elements with the item_data.

  • splice

    After building up an array of @item_elems, the subroutine passed as splice will be given the parent container HTML::Element and the @item_elems. How the @item_elems end up in the container is up to this routine: it could put half of them in. It could unshift them or whatever.

    default: $container->splice_content(0, 2, @item_elems) In other words, kill the 2 sample elements with the newly generated @item_elems

So now that we have documented the API, let's see the call we need:

 # default wrapper_ld ok. 
 wrapper_data => \@items,
 wrapper_proc => sub {
   my ($container) = @_;

   # only keep the last 2 dts and dds
   my @content_list = $container->content_list;
   $container->splice_content(0, @content_list - 2); 

 # default item_ld is fine.
 # default item_data is fine.
 # default item_proc is fine. 
 splice       => sub {
   my ($container, @item_elems) = @_;
 debug => 1,

Tree-Building Methods: Select Unrolling

The unroll_select method has this API:

   select_label    => $id_label,
   option_value    => $closure, # how to get option value from data row
   option_content  => $closure, # how to get option content from data row
   option_selected => $closure, # boolean to decide if SELECTED
   data         => $data        # the data to be put into the SELECT
   data_iter    => $closure     # the thing that will get a row of data

Here's an example:

  select_label     => 'clan_list', 
  option_value     => sub { my $row = shift; $row->clan_id },
  option_content   => sub { my $row = shift; $row->clan_name },
  option_selected  => sub { my $row = shift; $row->selected },
  data             => \@query_results, 
  data_iter        => sub { my $data = shift; $data->next }

Tree-Building Methods: Table Generation

Matthew Sisk has a much more intuitive (imperative) way to generate tables via his module HTML::ElementTable. However, for those with callback fever, the following method is available. First, we look at a nuts and bolts way to build a table using only standard HTML::Tree API calls. Then the table method available here is discussed.

Sample Model

package Simple::Class;

use Set::Array;

my @name   = qw(bob bill brian babette bobo bix);
my @age    = qw(99  12   44    52      12   43);
my @weight = qw(99  52   80   124     120  230);

sub new {
    my $this = shift;
    bless {}, ref($this) || $this;

sub load_data {
    my @data;

    for (0 .. 5) {
	push @data, { 
	    age    => $age[rand $#age] + int rand 20,
	    name   => shift @name,
	    weight => $weight[rand $#weight] + int rand 40



Sample Usage:

my $data = Simple::Class->load_data;
++$_->{age} for @$data

Inline Code to Unroll a Table



  <table id="load_data">

    <tr>  <th>name</th><th>age</th><th>weight</th> </tr>

    <tr id="iterate">

        <td id="name">   NATURE BOY RIC FLAIR  </td>
        <td id="age">    35                    </td>
        <td id="weight"> 220                   </td>




The manual way (*NOT* recommended)

require '';
use HTML::Seamstress;

# load the view
my $seamstress = HTML::Seamstress->new_from_file('simple.html');

# load the model
my $o = Simple::Class->new;
my $data = $o->load_data;

# find the <table> and <tr> 
my $table_node = $seamstress->look_down('id', 'load_data');
my $iter_node  = $table_node->look_down('id', 'iterate');
my $table_parent = $table_node->parent;

# drop the sample <table> and <tr> from the HTML
# only add them in if there is data in the model
# this is achieved via the $add_table flag

my $add_table;

# Get a row of model data
while (my $row = shift @$data) {

  # We got row data. Set the flag indicating ok to hook the table into the HTML

  # clone the sample <tr>
  my $new_iter_node = $iter_node->clone;

  # find the tags labeled name age and weight and 
  # set their content to the row data
  $new_iter_node->content_handler($_ => $row->{$_}) 
    for qw(name age weight);



# reattach the table to the HTML tree if we loaded data into some table rows

$table_parent->push_content($table_node) if $add_table;

print $seamstress->as_HTML;

$tree->table() : API call to Unroll a Table

require '';
use HTML::Seamstress;

# load the view
my $seamstress = HTML::Seamstress->new_from_file('simple.html');
# load the model
my $o = Simple::Class->new;

   # tell seamstress where to find the table, via the method call
   # ->look_down('id', $gi_table). Seamstress detaches the table from the
   # HTML tree automatically if no table rows can be built

     gi_table    => 'load_data',

   # tell seamstress where to find the tr. This is a bit useless as
   # the <tr> usually can be found as the first child of the parent

     gi_tr       => 'iterate',
   # the model data to be pushed into the table

     table_data  => $o->load_data,

   # the way to take the model data and obtain one row
   # if the table data were a hashref, we would do:
   # my $key = (keys %$data)[0]; my $val = $data->{$key}; delete $data->{$key}

     tr_data     => sub { my ($self, $data) = @_;
			  shift(@{$data}) ;

   # the way to take a row of data and fill the <td> tags

     td_data     => sub { my ($tr_node, $tr_data) = @_;
			  $tr_node->content_handler($_ => $tr_data->{$_})
			    for qw(name age weight) }


print $seamstress->as_HTML;

Looping over Multiple Sample Rows



  <table id="load_data" CELLPADDING=8 BORDER=2>

    <tr>  <th>name</th><th>age</th><th>weight</th> </tr>

    <tr id="iterate1" BGCOLOR="white" >

        <td id="name">   NATURE BOY RIC FLAIR  </td>
        <td id="age">    35                    </td>
        <td id="weight"> 220                   </td>

    <tr id="iterate2" BGCOLOR="#CCCC99">

        <td id="name">   NATURE BOY RIC FLAIR  </td>
        <td id="age">    35                    </td>
        <td id="weight"> 220                   </td>




* Only one change to last API call.


gi_tr       => 'iterate',

becomes this:

gi_tr       => ['iterate1', 'iterate2']

$tree->table2() : New API Call to Unroll a Table

After 2 or 3 years with table(), I began to develop production websites with it and decided it needed a cleaner interface, particularly in the area of handling the fact that id tags will be the same after cloning a table row.

First, I will give a dry listing of the function's argument parameters. This will not be educational most likely. A better way to understand how to use the function is to read through the incremental unrolling of the function's interface given in conversational style after the dry listing. But take your pick. It's the same information given in two different ways.

Dry/technical parameter documentation

$tree->table2(%param) takes the following arguments:

  • table_ld => $look_down : optional

    How to find the table element in $tree. If $look_down is an arrayref, then use look_down. If it is a CODE ref, then call it, passing it $tree.

    Defaults to ['_tag' => 'table'] if not passed in.

  • table_data => $tabular_data : required

    The data to fill the table with. Must be passed in.

  • table_proc => $code_ref : not implemented

    A subroutine to do something to the table once it is found. Not currently implemented. Not obviously necessary. Just created because there is a tr_proc and td_proc.

  • tr_ld => $look_down : optional

    Same as table_ld but for finding the table row elements. Please note that the tr_ld is done on the table node that was found instead of the whole HTML tree. This makes sense. The trs that you want exist below the table that was just found.

    Defaults to ['_tag' => 'tr'] if not passed in.

  • tr_data => $code_ref : optional

    How to take the table_data and return a row. Defaults to:

     sub { my ($self, $data) = @_;
          shift(@{$data}) ;
  • tr_proc => $code_ref : optional

    Something to do to the table row we are about to add to the table we are making. Defaults to a routine which makes the id attribute unique:

     sub {
    	my ($self, $tr, $tr_data, $tr_base_id, $row_count) = @_;
    	$tr->attr(id => sprintf "%s_%d", $tr_base_id, $row_count);
  • td_proc => $code_ref : required

    This coderef will take the row of data and operate on the td cells that are children of the tr. See t/table2.t for several usage examples.

    Here's a sample one:

     sub {
          my ($tr, $data) = @_;
          my @td = $tr->look_down('_tag' => 'td');
          for my $i (0..$#td) {
    	$td[$i]->splice_content(0, 1, $data->[$i]);

Conversational parameter documentation

The first thing you need is a table. So we need a look down for that. If you don't give one, it defaults to

['_tag' => 'table']

What good is a table to display in without data to display?! So you must supply a scalar representing your tabular data source. This scalar might be an array reference, a nextable iterator, a DBI statement handle. Whatever it is, it can be iterated through to build up rows of table data. These two required fields (the way to find the table and the data to display in the table) are table_ld and table_data respectively. A little more on table_ld. If this happens to be a CODE ref, then execution of the code ref is presumed to return the HTML::Element representing the table in the HTML tree.

Next, we get the row or rows which serve as sample tr elements by doing a look_down from the table_elem. While normally one sample row is enough to unroll a table, consider when you have alternating table rows. This API call would need one of each row so that it can cycle through the sample rows as it loops through the data. Alternatively, you could always just use one row and make the necessary changes to the single tr row by mutating the element in tr_proc, discussed below. The default tr_ld is ['_tag' => 'tr'] but you can overwrite it. Note well, if you overwrite it with a subroutine, then it is expected that the subroutine will return the HTML::Element(s) which are tr element(s). The reason a subroutine might be preferred is in the case that the HTML designers gave you 8 sample tr rows but only one prototype row is needed. So you can write a subroutine, to splice out the 7 rows you don't need and leave the one sample row remaining so that this API call can clone it and supply it to the tr_proc and td_proc calls.

Now, as we move through the table rows with table data, we need to do two different things on each table row:

  • get one row of data from the table_data via tr_data

    The default procedure assumes the table_data is an array reference and shifts a row off of it:

       sub { my ($self, $data) = @_;
    	 shift(@{$data}) ;

    Your function MUST return undef when there is no more rows to lay out.

  • take the tr element and mutate it via tr_proc

    The default procedure simply makes the id of the table row unique:

      sub { my ($self, $tr, $tr_data, $row_count, $root_id) = @_;
    	$tr->attr(id => sprintf "%s_%d", $root_id, $row_count);

Now that we have our row of data, we call td_proc so that it can take the data and the td cells in this tr and process them. This function must be supplied.

Whither a Table with No Rows

Often when a table has no rows, we want to display a message indicating this to the view. Use conditional processing to decide what to display:

	<span id=no_data>
		<table><tr><td>No Data is Good Data</td></tr></table>
	<span id=load_data>
   <table id="load_data">
     <tr>  <th>name</th><th>age</th><th>weight</th> </tr>
     <tr id="iterate">
         <td id="name">   NATURE BOY RIC FLAIR  </td>
         <td id="age">    35                    </td>
         <td id="weight"> 220                   </td>




  • highlander2

    currently the API expects the subtrees to survive or be pruned to be identified by id:

        under10 => sub { $_[0] < 10} , 
        under18 => sub { $_[0] < 18} ,
        welcome => [
          sub { 1 },
          sub { 
    	my $branch = shift;
    	$branch->look_down(id => 'age')->replace_content($age);

    but, it should be more flexible. the under10, and under18 are expected to be ids in the tree... but it is not hard to have a check to see if this field is an array reference and if it, then to do a look down instead:

        [class => 'under10'] => sub { $_[0] < 10} , 
        [class => 'under18'] => sub { $_[0] < 18} ,
        [class => 'welcome'] => [
          sub { 1 },
          sub { 
    	my $branch = shift;
    	$branch->look_down(id => 'age')->replace_content($age);


Terrence Brannon, <>

Many thanks to BARBIE for his RT bug report.


Copyright (C) 2004 by Terrence Brannon

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1432:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head4'

Around line 1557:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 1604:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'