HTML::Seamstress - HTML::Tree subclass for HTML templating via tree rewriting


HTML::Seamstress provides "fourth generation" dynamic HTML generation (templating).

In the beginning we had...

First generation dynamic HTML production

First generation dynamic HTML production used server-side includes:

<p>Today's date is   <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" --> </p>

Second generation dynamic HTML production

The next phase of HTML generation saw embedded HTML snippets in Perl code. For example:

sub header {
  my $title = shift;
  print <<"EOHEADER";

Third generation dynamic HTML production

The 3rd generation solutions embed programming language constructs with HTML. The language constructs are either a real language (as is with HTML::Mason) or a pseudo/mini-language (as is with PeTaL, Template or HTML::Template). Let's see some Template code:

<p>Hi there [% name %], are you enjoying your stay?</p>

Talkin' bout them generations...

Up to now, all approaches to this issue tamper with the HTML in some form or fashion:

  • Generation 1 adds SSI processing instructions

  • Generation 2 rips the HTML apart and adds programming elements

  • Generation 3 sprinkles programming constructs in the HTML

Enter fourth generation dynamic HTML production

The fourth generation of HTML production is distinguished by no need for tampering with the HTML. There are a wealth of XML-based modules which provide this approach (XML::Twig, XML::LibXML, XML::TreeBuilder, XML::DOM). HTML::Seamstress is the one CPAN module based around HTML and HTML::Tree for this approach.


When looking at HTML::Seamstress, we are looking at a uniquely positioned 4th-generation HTML generator. Seamstress offers two sets of advantages: those common to all 4th generation htmlgens and those common to a subclass of HTML::Tree.

Reap 4th generation dynamic HTML generation benefits

What advantages does this fourth way of HTML manipulation offer? Let's take a look:

Separate HTML development and its programmatic modification

The contents of the document remain legal HTML/XML that can be be developed using standard interactive design tools. The flow of control of the code remains separate from the page. Technologies that mix content and data in a single file result in code that is often difficult to understand and has trouble taking full advantage of the object oriented programming paradigm.

Reduced learning curve

If you have a strong hold on object-oriented Perl and a solid understand of the tree-based nature of HTML, then all you need to do is read the manual pages showing how Seamstress and related modules offer tree manipulation routines and you are done.

Extension just requires writing new Perl methods - a snap for any object oriented Perler.

Static validation and formatting

Mixing Perl and HTML (by any of the generation 1-3 approaches) makes it impossible to use standard validation and formatting tools for either Perl or HTML.

Two full-strength programming languages: HTML and Perl

Perl and HTML are solid technologies with years of effort behind making them robust and flexible enough to meet real-world technological demands.

Multiple views and reuses of the same element

Because manipulator and manipulated are separate, we can choose manipulators and/or stack them at will.

Reap the benefits of using HTML::Tree

Pragmatic HTML instead of strict X(HT)ML

The real world is unfortunately more about getting HTML to work with IE and maybe 1 or 2 other browsers. Strict XHTML may not be acceptable under time and corporate pressures to get things to work with quirky browsers.

Rich API and User Contributions

HTML::Tree has a nice large set of accessor/modifier functions. If that is not enough, then take a gander at Matthew Sisk's contributions: as well as HTML::Element::Library.


Now it's time to look at some examples. Before doing so, it is imperative that you understand the tree structure of HTML.

Understand that HTML is a tree

The best representation of this fact is this slide right here:

If you understand this (and maybe the rest of the slides), then you have a good grip on seeing HTML as a tree.

HTML::AboutTrees does also teach this, but it takes a while before he gets to what matters to us. It's a fun read nonetheless.

Now that we've got this concept under our belts let's try some full examples.

Install and Setup Seamstress

The first thing to remember is that Seamstress is really just convenience functions for HTML::Tree. You can do entirely without Seamstress. It's just that my daily real-world obligations have lead to a set of library functions (HTML::Element::Library) and a convenient way to locate "templates" ( that work well on top of HTML::Tree

  • move and onto your execution $PATH and are used to simplify the process of parsing an HTML file into HTML::Treebuilder object. In other words instead of having to do this in your Perl programs:

    use HTML::TreeBuilder;
    my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_file('/usr/htdocs/hello.html');

    You can do this:

    use htdocs::hello;
    my $tree = htdocs::hello->new;

    The lines of code is not much different, but abstracting away absolute paths is important in production environments where the absolute path may come from who knows where via who knows how.

  • run will ask you 2 very simple questions. Just answer them. When it is finished, it will have installed a package named HTML::Seamstress::Base on your @INC. This module contains one function, comp_root() which points to a place you wouldn't typically have on your @INC but which you must have because your HTML file and corresponding .pm abstracting it are going to be there.

  • run

    In the default seutp, no options need be supplied to this script. They are useful in cases where you have more than one document root or want to inherit from more than one place.

    metaperl@pool-71-109-151-76:~/www$ moose.html
    comp_root........ /home/metaperl/
    html_file_path... /home/metaperl/www/
    html_file........ moose.html
    html_file sans... moose
    moose.html compiled to package www::moose
  • load your abstracted HTML and manipulate it

    Now, from Perl, to get the TreeBuilder object representing this HTML file, we simply do this:

    use www::moose;
    my $tree = www::moose->new;
    # manipulate tree...

    In a mod_perl setup, you would want to pre-load your HTML and Class::Cache was designed for this very purpose. But that's a topic for another time.

    In a setup with HTML files in numerous places, I recommend setting up multiple HTML::Seamstress::Base::here, HTML::Seamstress::Base::there for each file root. To do this, you will need to use the --base_pkg and --base_pkg_root options to

  • That's it!

    Now you are ready to abstract away as many files as you want with the same call. Just supply it with a different HTML file to create a different package. Then use them, new them and manipulate them and $tree->as_HTML them at will.

    Now it's time to rock and roll!

Text substitution == node mutation

In our first example, we want to perform simple text substitution on the HTML template document:

  <title>Hello World</title>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
  <p>Hello, my name is <span id="name">dummy_name</span>.
  <p>Today's date is <span id="date">dummy_date</span>.

First save this somewhere on your document root. Then compile it with Now you simply use the "compiled" version of HTML with API calls to HTML::TreeBuilder, HTML::Element, and HTML::Element::Library.

use html::hello_world; 

my $tree = html::hello_world->new; 
$tree->look_down(id => name)->replace_content('terrence brannon');
$tree->look_down(id => date)->replace_content('5/11/1969');
print $tree->as_HTML;

replace_content() is a convenience function in HTML::Element::Library.

If-then-else == node(s) deletion

<span id="age_dialog">
   <span id="under10">
      Hello, does your mother know you're 
      using her AOL account?
   <span id="under18">
      Sorry, you're not old enough to enter 
      (and too dumb to lie about your age)
   <span id="welcome">

Again, compile and use the module:

use html::age_dialog;

my $tree = html::dialog->new;

   (age_dialog =>
     under10 => sub { $_[0] < 10} , 
     under18 => sub { $_[0] < 18} ,
     welcome => sub { 1 }

 print $tree->as_HTML;

 # will only output one of the 3 dialogues based on which closure 
 # fires first	

And once again, the function we used is the highlander method, also a part of HTML::Element::Library.

The following libraries are always available for more complicated manipulations:

Looping == child/sibling proliferation

Table unrolling, pulldown creation, li unrolling, and dl unrolling are all examples of a tree operation in which you take a child of a node and clone it and then alter it in some way (replace the content, alter some of its attributes), and then stick it under its parent.

Functions for use with the common HTML elements --- <table>, <ol>, <ul>, <dl>, <select> are documented in HTML::Element::Library and are prefaced with the words "Tree Building Methods".

What Seamstress offers

Beyond the "compilation" support documented above, Seamstress offers nothing more than a simple structure-modifying method, expand_replace(). And to be honest, it probably shouldn't offer that. But once, when de-Mason-izing a site, it was easier to keep little itty-bitty components all over and so I wrote this method to facilitate the process.

Let's say you have this HTML:

     <div id="sidebar">

	<div class="sideBlock" id=mpi>mc::picBar::index</div>

	<div class="sideBlock" id=mnm>mc::navBox::makeLinks</div>

	<div class="sideBlock" id=mg>mc::gutenBox</div>


In this case, the content of each sideBlock is the name of a Perl Seamstress-style class. As you know, when the constructor for such a class is called an HTML::Element, $E, will be returned for it's parsed content.

In this case, we want the content of the div element to go from the being the class name to being the HTML::Element that the class constructs. So to inline all 3 tags you would do the following;

$tree->look_down(id => $_)->expand_replace for qw(mpi mnm mg);

What Seamstress works with


Useful in mod_perl environments and anywhere you want control over the timing of object creation.

The family of HTML::Tree contributions


HTML Templating as Tree Rewriting: Part I: "If Statements"

HTATR II: HTML table generation via DWIM tree rewriting

Survey of Surveys on HTML Templating systems

A fierce head-to-head between PeTaL and Seamstress goes on for several days in this thread!

The disadvantages of mini-languages

The limitations of mini-languages

A striking example of the limitations of mini-languages is shown here:

But the most cogent argument for using full-strength languages as opposed to mixing them occurs in the Text::Template docs:

When people make a template module like this one, they almost always
start by inventing a special syntax for substitutions. For example,
they build it so that a string like %%VAR%% is replaced with the
value of $VAR. Then they realize the need extra formatting, so they
put in some special syntax for formatting. Then they need a loop, so
they invent a loop syntax. Pretty soon they have a new little
template language. 

This approach has two problems: First, their little language is
crippled. If you need to do something the author hasn't thought of,
you lose. Second: Who wants to learn another language? You already
know Perl, so why not use it? 

Problems with JSP (JSP is similar to HTML::Mason)

Los Angeles Perl Mongers Talk on HTML::Seamstress

XMLC, A similar framework for Java

Similar Frameworks for Perl

Two other frameworks come to mind. Both are stricter with regard to the correctness of the HTML and both use a different means for node lookup and rewrite.

  • Petal

    Based on Zope's TAL, this is a very nice and complete framework that is the basis of MkDoc, a XML application server. It offers a mini-language for XML rewriting, Seamstress does not. The philosophy of the Seamstress is the orthogonal integration of Perl and HTML not a mini-language and HTML.

  • XML::LibXML

    By the XML guru Matt Sergeant, who is also the author of AxKit, another XML application server. This offers XPath for finding nodes

  • XML::DOM

    If I wanted to ape XMLC entirely, I would have used TJ Mather's XML::DOM. Because XMLC is based around DOM API calls. However, TreeBuilder is very handy and has a lot of nice libraries around it such HTML::PrettyPrinter. The biggest win of XML::DOM is it's easy integration with XML::Generator

    From the docs, it looks like XML::GDOME is the successor to this module.



Terrence Brannon,


I would like to thank

  • Chris Winters for exposing me to XMLC

  • Paul Lucas for writing HTML_Tree

    HTML_Tree is a C++ HTML manipulator with a Perl interface. Upon using his Perl interface, I began to notice limitations and extended his Perl interface. The author was not interested in working with me or my extensions, so I had to continue on a separate path.

  • johnnywang for his post about dynamic HTML generation

  • Matthew Sisk and John Porter for lively personal discussions


Copyright 2002-2005 by Terrence Brannon.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.