HTTP::File - Routines to deal with HTML input type file.
SYNOPSIS (HTML::Mason example)
<FORM METHOD=POST ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="receive-upload.html"> <INPUT TYPE=file name=PHOTO_FILE size=35> </FORM>
... then in receive-upload.html
<%init> use HTTP::File; </%init>
<%perl> $output_path="/var/spool"; $raw_file=$ARGS{PHOTO_FILE}; HTTP::File::upload($raw_file, $output_path); </%perl>
HTTP::File is a module to facilitate file uploads from HTML file input.It detects the basename of the raw file across MacOS, Windows, and Unix/Linux platforms.
sub platform
Uses a subset of the functionality of HTTP::Headers::UserAgent to determine the type of machine that uploaded the file.
sub upload
Upload RAW_FILE to the local disk to a specified PATH, or to /tmp if PATH is not specified.
Terrence Brannon PrincePawn@Yahoo.COM