#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
$HTTP::File::VERSION = '3.9';
package HTTP::File;
sub platform {
my $__platform;
$__platform = HTTP::Headers::UserAgent::GetPlatform ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT});
$__platform =~ /^Win/ && return 'MSWin32';
$__platform =~ /^MAC/ && return 'MacOS';
$__platform =~ /x$/ && return '';
# wifd == warn if debug
sub wifd { warn "HTTP::File --- $_[0]" if $_[1]; }
sub upload {
my ($raw_file, $path,$debug,$kludge) = @_;
my $temp_dir = '/tmp';
$path = $path ? $path : $temp_dir;
my $platform = platform;
wifd "raw_file \t $raw_file" , $debug;
wifd "path \t $path" , $debug;
wifd "platform \t $platform" , $debug;
my ($basename,$junk,$junk2) = File::Basename::fileparse $raw_file;
wifd(sprintf("ref(raw_file) \t %s", ref($raw_file)) , $debug);
wifd "raw_file \t $raw_file" , $debug;
wifd "path \t $path" , $debug;
wifd "platform \t $platform" , $debug;
wifd "basename \t $basename" , $debug;
if ($path =~ m/^(.*)$/) { $path = $1; }
if ($basename =~ m/^(.*)$/) { $basename = $1; }
open O, ">$path/$basename" || die $!;
# If the input file is binary, the output file should also be binary
binmode O if (-B $raw_file);
(open K, ">$temp_dir/$basename" || die $!) if $kludge;
my $buffer;
my $bytesread = read($raw_file,$buffer,1024);
# let's exit with an error if read() returned undef
die "error with file read: $!" if !defined($bytesread);
# let's exit with an error if print() did not return true
die "error with print: $!" unless (print O $buffer);
if ($kludge) {
die "error with print: $!" unless (print K $buffer);
# let's redo the loop if we read > 0 chars on the last read
redo unless !$bytesread;
close O;
close K if $kludge;
return $basename;