SQL::Catalog - test, label, store, search and retrieve SQL queries
shell% cd sql_lair/city,date/weather/1/
shell% cat concrete.sql
select city, date from weather where temp_lo < 20;
shell% sql_test concrete.sql
shell% cat testexec.out # see results of prepare, execute on this
shell% cat abstract.sql
select city, date from weather where temp_lo < ?;
shell% sql_test abstract.sql 55 # send in placeholder value
shell% cat testexec.out # to see results... looks good
shell% sql_register abstract.sql basic_weather
[hi_and_low] inserted as
[select city from weather where temp_lo > ? and temp_hi > ? LIMIT 10]
... then in a Perl program (e.g. in this distribution)
my $dbh = SQL::Catalog->db_handle; # optional - get the handle as you please
my $sql = SQL::Catalog->lookup('hi_and_low');
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
my $rows = $sth->rows;
Over time, it has become obvious that a few things about SQL queries are necessary. One, you want to be able to get a query by a label. Two, you want to be able to look through old queries to see if someone else has written one similar to what you want. Three, you want the database guru to develop queries on his own and be able to register them for your use without interfering with him. Four, you want to be able to answer questions such as "what queries are doing a select on such-and-such tables".
Well, wait no longer, for your solution has arrived.
Develop your concrete query in a db shell
The first step to developing a database query is to play around at the db shell. In this case, you normally dont have any placeheld values. You just keep mucking with the query until it gives you what you want.
When you finally get what you want, save it in a file, say concrete.sql
for example. Here is a concrete query:
select city, date from weather where temp_hi > 20
Abstract your query with placeholders
Now it's time to make your query more abstract. So we do the following:
select city, date from weather where temp_hi > ?
and save in a different file, say abstract.sql
Now let's test this query also, being sure to pass in data for the placeholder fields:
sql_test abstract.sql 34
Certain drivers are not very good with their error messages in response to queries sent in without placeholder bindings, so take care here.
And let's cat testexec.out to see the results.
Register your query (store in the sql_category table)
sql_register abstract.sql city_date_via_temp_hi
and the system tells you
[city_date_via_temp_hi] saved as
[select city, date from weather where temp_hi > ?]
Use your query from DBI:
use SQL::Catalog;
my $dbh = SQL::Catalog->db_handle; # or however you get your DBI handles
my $SQL = SQL::Catalog->lookup('city_date_via_temp_hi') or die "not found";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL, $cgi->param('degrees'));
.... etc
See the README in the home directory of the distribution.
What SQL::Catalog does
It stores each query in a database table. I could have gone for something more normalized and exquisite in database design but wanted to maintain database independence without requiring extra tools for schema creation and database use.
Right now we have schema creation and SQL code which works for Informix and Postgresql and welcome more.
The queries are stored in this table (this file is db-creation/postgresql.sql
CREATE TABLE sql_catalog (
label varchar(32) , # the label queries are stored and looked up with
tables varchar(255) , # the tables used in the query
columns varchar(255) , # the columns used in the query
cmd varchar(40) , # type of sql (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, etc)
phold int4, # number of placeholders in the query
query varchar(65535) , # the query to be stored
CONSTRAINT sql_catalog_pkey PRIMARY KEY (label) # indexing
Query field omitted for brevity. It has (wouldya guess) the SQL query.
mydb=# select label,cmd,columns,tables,phold from sql_catalog;
label | cmd | columns | tables | phold
weather_hi | SELECT |, | weather | 1
hi_and_low | SELECT | | weather | 2
Read the README for thorough install instructions for various databases.
Do NOT end your SQL statements for testing within this framework with a semicolon.
It is entirely feasible (and oh so cool), to have a "query server". Ie, a cheap Linux box running MySQL which has no table but sql_catalog on it. And all it does is serve the queries. Then your actual "data database" can be on a completely different machine. The idea is that SQL::Catalog connects to the table sql_catalog based on its
value (see README) while your data database connects based on a different DSN.
T. M. Brannon, <>
Substantial contribution (and ass-kicking) by Jonathan Leffler.
Class::Phrasebook::SQL. Performs a similar function. It stores a "phrasebook" of SQL in XML files. Querying can be done with any standard XML processor.
DBIx::SearchProfiles. Does query labeling and also has some convenience functions for query retrieval. It does not store the SQL in a database or make it searchable by table, column, or number of placeholders. Your standard Perl data munging techniques would be the way to do statistical analysis of your queries.
A different approach is suggested using Perl modules. Interesting idea.
"Leashing DBI"