The following documentation is automatically generated. Please do not edit this file, but rather the original, inline with Tickit::Widget::Layout::Desktop::Window at lib/Tickit/Widget/Layout/Desktop/ (on the system that originally ran this). If you do edit this file, and don't want your changes to be removed, make sure you change the first line.
Tickit::Widget::Layout::Desktop - provides a holder for "desktop-like" widget behaviour
Returns true if this location is the maximise button.
Returns true if this location is the close button.
Override mouse click events to mark this window as active before continuing with the usual move/resize detection logic.
Provides click-to-raise and click-to-focus behaviour.
Runs the given coderef with a Tickit::RenderBuffer, saving and restoring the context around the call.
Returns $self.
Represents the inner area of this window, i.e. the content without the frame.
Returns $self.
Override geometry changes to allow welding and constraints.
We have a set of rules for each widget, of the following form:
left => [
left => $w1,
right => $w2,
top => [
top => $w2
If the left edge changes, the left edge of $w1 and the right edge of $w2 would move by the same amount.
If the top changes, the top of $w2 would move by the same amount
That's about it. The idea is that edges can be "joined", meaning that resizing applies to multiple widgets at once.
- Tickit::WidgetRole::Movable
export_subs_for, mouse_drag, mouse_release, move, on_mouse, position_is_corner, position_is_edge, position_is_title, resize_from_corner, resize_from_edge, start_moving, start_resize_from_corner, start_resize_from_edge
- Tickit::WidgetRole
- Tickit::SingleChildWidget
- Tickit::ContainerWidget
child_opts, child_resized, find_child, focus_next, set_child_opts, window_lost
- Tickit::Widget
get_style_pen, get_style_text, get_style_values, key_focus_next_after, key_focus_next_before, pen, redraw, requested_cols, requested_lines, requested_size, resized, set_parent, set_requested_size, set_style, set_style_tag, set_window, style_classes, take_focus, window
Tom Molesworth <>
Copyright Tom Molesworth 2012-2020. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.