Autodia::Diagram - Class to hold a collection of objects representing parts of a Dia Diagram.
use Autodia::Diagram;
- class methods
$Diagram = Autodia::Diagram->new;
- object data methods
# get versions #
To get a collection of a objects of a certain type you use the method of the same name. ie $Diagram->Classes() returns an array of 'class' objects.
The methods available are Classes(), Components(), Superclasses(), Inheritances(), and Dependancies(); These are all called in the template to get the collections of objects to loop through.
# add versions #
To add an object to the diagram. You call the add_<object type> method, for example $Diagram->add_class($class_name), passing the name of the object in the case of Class, Superclass and Component but not Inheritance or Dependancy which have their names generated automagically.
# remove versions #
Objects are not removed, they can only be superceded by another object; Component can be superceded by Superclass which can superceded by Class. This is handled by the object itself rather than the diagram.
Diagram is an object that contains a collection of diagram elements and the logic to generate the diagram layout as well as to output the diagram itself in Dia's XML format using template toolkit.
Creating a new Diagram object
Accessing and manipulating the Diagram
Elements are added to the Diagram through the add_<elementname> method (ie add_classes() ).
Collections of elements are retrieved through the <elementname> method (ie Classes() ).
The diagram is laid out and output to a file using the export_xml() method.
See Also
4 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 2089:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 2111:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'
- Around line 2117:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 2121:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'