DiagramClass - Class that holds, updates and outputs the values of a diagram element of type class.
use DiagramClass;
- class methods
$Class = DiagramClass->new;
- object data methods
# get versions #
DiagramClass attributes are accessed through methods, rather than directly. Each attribute is available through calling the method of its name, ie Inheritances(). The methods available are :
Operations, Attributes, Inheritances, Dependancies, Parent, and has_child. The first 4 return a list, the later return a string.
# add versions #
Adding elements to the DiagramClass is acheived through the add_<attribute> methods, ie add_inheritance().
# remove versions #
Rather than remove an element from the diagram it is marked as redundant and replaced with a superceding element, as DiagramClass has highest precedence it won't be superceded and so doesn't have a redundant() method. Superclass and Component do.
DiagramClass is an object that represents the Dia UML Class element within a Dia diagram. It holds, outputs and allows the addition of attributes, relationships and methods.
Creating a new DiagramClass object
- new($name)
creates and returns a simple DiagramClass object, containing its name and its original position (default 0,0).
Accessing and manipulating the DiagramClass
$DiagramClass->Attributes(), Inheritances(), Operations(), and Dependancies() all return a list of their respective elements.
$DiagramClass->Parent(), and has_child() return the value of the parent or child respectively if present otherwise a false.
$Diagram->add_attribute(), add_inheritance(), add_operation(), and add_dependancy() all add a new element of their respective types.
See Also
DiagramObject Diagram DiagramSuperclass DiagramComponent DiagramInheritance DiagramDependancy
4 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 278:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 298:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'
- Around line 304:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 308:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'