
This module provides you with a Pod2HTML converter and a manual for Graph::Easy.

To install this module type the following:

Untar the package:

tar -xzf Graph-Easy-Manual-0.19.tar.gz

Change into the directory:

chdir Graph-Easy-Manual-0.19/

Verify the package:

cpansign --verify

If the package fails to verify, do NOT run nor install it and notify me immidiately. YOUR SYSTEM MIGHT GET COMPROMISED!

When the package verified okay, then proceed:

perl Makefile.PL

If you get warnings about missing or outdated modules, then upgrade/install these first. Then run the testsuite:

make test

If all tests pass, install the package:

sudo make install


To create the HTML version of the manual, do the following:

cd doc

Afterwards you can change to the output path and view index.html in your favourite browser.

You can also give optional an output path:

./gen_manual --output/path/to/output


./gen_manual --help

to get help about other options.

You can also view the manual online at:


Copyright (C) 2004 - 2005 by Tels

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of the GPL version 2.