Changes for version 1.47 - 2022-05-02

  • Add DWIM to inputs accepted by ActionChains send_keys, key_up & key_down, and add some docu


Action chains for Selenium::Remote::Driver
Teach a WebDriver how to start its own binary aka no JRE!
Coercions for finding webdriver binaries on your system
Utility functions for finding open ports to eventually bind to
Use ChromeDriver without a Selenium server
Use EdgeDriver without a Selenium server
Use FirefoxDriver without a Selenium server
Subroutines for locating and properly initializing the Firefox Binary
Use custom profiles with Selenium::Remote::Driver
A convenience package for creating a IE instance
Use GhostDriver without a Selenium server
Implement commands for Selenium::Remote::Driver for use with webdriver 2
Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver
Customize the webdriver context prefix for various drivers
Use custom profiles with Selenium::Remote::Driver
Error handler for Selenium::Remote::Driver
Handle construction of generic parameter finders
utility class to mock Selenium::Remote::Commands
utility class to mock the responses from Selenium server
Connect to a selenium server
Implement commands for Selenium::Remote::Driver
Representation of keystrokes used by Selenium::Remote::WebDriver
Representation of an HTML Element used by Selenium Remote Driver
Provides a utility wait_until function
add testing methods to Selenium::Remote::Driver
Role implementing the common logic used for testing


in lib/Test/Selenium/Remote/