Trog::TOTP - Fork of Authen::TOTP


version 1.001


Trog::TOTP is a fork of Authen::TOTP.

While patches were initially merged upstream, no CPAN releases happened, so here we are.


Trog::TOTP - Interface to RFC6238 two factor authentication (2FA)


 my $gen = new Authen::TOTP(
     # not needed when setting up TOTP for the first time; we generate a secret automatically which you should grab and store.
	 secret		=>	"some_random_stuff",
     # ACHTUNG! lots of TOTP apps on various devices straight up ignore this field and hardcode 30s periods.  So probably best to never touch this.
     period     => 30,
     # callback used when emitting messages; use me for integrating into your own logging framework
     logger     => sub { my $msg = shift; ... },

 # Be sure to store this as binary data
 my $secret = $get->secret();

 # This is what you will want to show users for input into their TOTP apps when their camera is failing
 my $b32secret = $gen->base32secret();

 # will generate a TOTP URI, suitable to use in a QR Code
 my $uri = $gen->generate_otp(user => 'user\', issuer => "");

 # use Imager::QRCode to plot the secret for the user
 use Imager::QRCode;
 my $qrcode = Imager::QRCode->new(
       size          => 4,
       margin        => 3,
       level         => 'L',
       casesensitive => 1,
       lightcolor    => Imager::Color->new(255, 255, 255),
       darkcolor     => Imager::Color->new(0, 0, 0),

 my $img = $qrcode->plot($uri);
 $img->write(file => "totp.png", type => "png");

 #compare user's OTP with computed one
 if ($gen->validate_otp(otp => <user_input>, secret => <stored_secret>, tolerance => 1)) {
	#2FA success
 else {
	#no match

  # Just print out the dang code
  print $gen->expected_totp_code(time);



 my $gen = new Authen::TOTP(
	 digits 	=>	[6|8],
	 period		=>	[30|60],
	 algorithm	=>	"SHA1", #SHA256 and SHA512 are equally valid
	 secret		=>	"some_random_stuff",
	 when		=>	<some_epoch>,
	 tolerance	=>	0,
     logger     => sub { my $msg=shift; ... },

Parameters/Properties (defaults listed)


6=> How many digits to produce/compare


30=> OTP is valid for this many seconds


SHA1=> supported values are SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512, although most clients only support SHA1 AFAIK


random_20byte_string=> Secret used as seed for the OTP


base32_encoded_random_12byte_string=> Alternative way to set secret (base32 encoded)


epoch=> Time used for comparison of OTPs


1=> Due to time sync issues, you may want to tune this and compare this many OTPs before and after


Log callback subroutine. Use to integrate various messages from this modules into your logging framework.


Turn on extended log messaging.



Return the current secret used by this object.


Return the base32encoded secret used by this object.

algorithm([STRING $algo])

Returns, and optionally sets the algorithm if passed.

expected_totp_code( TIME_T $when )

Returns what a code "ought" to be at any given unix timestamp. Useful for integrating into command line tooling to fix things when people have "tecmological differences" with their telephone.


Create a TOTP URI using the parameters specified or the defaults from the new() method above


	 digits 	=>	[6|8],
	 period		=>	[30|60],
	 algorithm	=>	"SHA1", #SHA256 and SHA512 are equally valid
	 secret		=>	"some_random_stuff",
	 issuer		=>	"",
	 user		=>	"some_identifier",

 Google Authenticator displays <issuer> (<user>) for a TOTP generated like this


Compare a user-supplied TOTP using the parameters specified. Obviously the secret MUST be the same secret you used in generate_otp() above/ Returns 1 on success, undef if OTP doesn't match


	 digits 	=>	[6|8],
	 period		=>	[30|60],
	 algorithm	=>	"SHA1", #SHA256 and SHA512 are equally valid
	 secret		=>	"the_same_random_stuff_you_used_to_generate_the_TOTP",
	 when		=>	<epoch_to_use_as_reference>,
	 tolerance	=>	<try this many iterations before/after when>
	 otp		=>	<OTP to compare to>


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


Current Maintainers:

  • George S. Baugh <>


Thanos Chatziathanassiou <>


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