Changes for version 0.04 - 2015-02-18
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed RT #72022. Uses of labels in next(), last() or redo() are no longer seen by ProhibitCallsToUndeclaredSubs.
- Fixed RT #66863. Test::Deep not needed for testing.
- Fixed RT #62184. All subroutines imported in a quoted but unparenthesized list are now seen by ProhibitCallsToUndeclaredSubs.
- Fixed RT #43314 and 44609. Modules::RequireExplicitInclusion now allows __PACKAGE__->foo().
- Fixed RT #43310. Subroutines::ProhibitCallsToUndeclaredSubs now handles imports that specify version number.
- Fixed RT #36783. Subroutines::ProhibitCallsToUndeclaredSubs now handles qw{...} strings inside a list.
- Miscellaneous
- Author-only tests have been moved to the xt/author directory.
- The repository for this code has been moved to GitHub.
- Modernized the format of this Changes log.
- Gratitude
- Thank you Tom Wyant for contributing all these patches. Thank you Mark Gardner for motivating me to finally ship.
Perl::Critic plugin for stricter subroutine checks