Support dist path and dist URL targets for Import action
Support --fallback on Package::Locator
Support --latest option on Import action
Exception hierarchy/handling
Documentation review
API documentation
Support target_perl option
Use standard logging module
More robust list action
Query language?


In no particular order...

Implement --force option for the update command.
Enable plugins for visiting and filtering. See CPAN::Mini and CPAN::Mini::Visit.
Make file/directory permissions configurable. Not sure this is needed.
Standardize API, using named parameters except where it makes sense not to.
Write a tutorial to explain different ways for using Pinto in the development/deployment cycle. ++
Generate a RECENT file. This could just contain the files added in the last action (if any).
Implement Pinto::Store::Git.
Improve Perl::Critic compliance.
Document, document, document.
Tests, tests, tests.
Look for better ways to use Moose roles.
Look into using Path::Class::SVN or Alien::SVN instead of using my home-grown interface to Subversion.
Consider using MooseX::Params::Validate on methods.
Profile and look for performance optimizations.